Expression: she wouldn't wear it

English Idioms and Expressions, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #12 [color=blue]“No good”, question 5

We invited her to come to our party in the hope of putting things right but she wouldn’t wear it.

(a) rejected
(b) refused
(c) repeated
(d) reclined

English Idioms and Expressions, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #12 [color=blue]“No good”, answer 5

We invited her to come to our party in the hope of putting things right but she refused.

Correct answer: (b) refused

Your answer was: [color=green]correct

Sorry for asking too many questions but I want to work it out on the spot.

My question is: why reject is unacceptable here? Thank you.

Hi Haihao

Alan will best be able to clarify this one because I’m not familiar with the expression “wouldn’t wear it” (as it is used in the sentence). This appears to be mainly a British expression. :wink:
