Expression: "On submitting..."

Dear friends

Could you please explain the following quotation to me?

“On submitting to the infinite, you realize the power of submission.”

Thanks a lot in advance


Tom, I really think you could work this one out just by looking up “submit” and “submission” in a dictionary.

Hint: it is a metaphysical proposition.

Hi Tom

What happens when you submit to the infinite? 8)


Here is my two cent! :frowning:

If the infinite is God in this sentence, then, I think, the writer is saying that only when a person completely yields to God and starts believing that God is the ultimate authority, then only he can feel the “supremacy” of God.

Am I correct?

By the four winds,it was a bit too philosophical for me!


It doesn’t have to mean God. Some people think there’s an “infinite” but don’t believe in God. Some people say “the infinite” when they’re embarrassed to say “God” in front of someone.

So, the person meant something infinite, whether it’s God, the sky, yoghurt, or something else.

Infinite yoghurt? :lol:

Hi Tom

You did that well! Probably better than I could have!


You need yoghurt starter (in other words, some yoghurt) to make yoghurt. This means that yoghurt has always existed, because if it didn’t, there would be no starter to make it with.

Which came first, the yoghurt or the yoghurt bacterium?

Thirty-two bacterial isolates from species commonly used in yoghurts and fermented milks were examined for their ability to synthesise or utilise folate during fermentation of skim milk. The organisms examined included the traditional yoghurt starter cultures, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, and probiotic lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and Enterococcus faecium. Folate was synthesised by S. thermophilus, bifidobacteria, and E. faecium. S. thermophilus was the dominant producer, elevating folate levels in skim milk from 11.5 ng g(-1) to between 40 and 50 ng g(-1). Generally, lactobacilli depleted the available folate in the skim milk. Fermentations with mixed cultures showed that folate production and utilisation by the cultures was additive. Fermentations using a combination of Bifidobacterium animalis and S. thermophilus resulted in a six-fold increase in folate concentration. Although increased folate levels in yoghurts and fermented milks are possible through judicious selection of inoculum species, the folate levels remain relatively low in terms of recommended daily allowance.

If it is not a typo…it is a new structure for me.


Hi Tom

There are infinite typos in the forum. That one looks like it was probably a cut-and-paste typo. :lol:

Hi Jamie + MM

Thank you for the detailed yoghurt info. Actually, I was chuckling over the idea of “submitting to” infinite yoghurt. :lol:

Speaking of infinite, as a result of the current heatwave, one might say that I’ve been submitting to infinite dust bunnies in my house — the result of seemingly infinite shedding by my 2 cats. :lol:


Uh-oh! You’re not a cat lady, are you?! :shock: My local veterinarian has a theory about cat ladies!

Interestingly enough, when I was growing up, my family never talked about dust bunnies. We called them cats!

Hi Jamie

Yes, usually I am, but at the moment the “bunnies” are causing me to ask myself whether I should be rethinking that. :wink: I’d be fascinated to hear your vet’s theories. Does he/she also have theories on “cat men”? (Or just batmen? :lol:)

I used to be a “dog-and-cat” lady, but the dog died. :cry:

My sister is a “cat-and-dog-and-iguana lady”. :lol: Have you ever seen a Basset Hound “hunt” an iguana? The style of the “hunt” is infinitely hilarious. :smiley:


I’ve never met a cat man, only cat ladies.

This vet says that women with multiple cats are generally middle-aged women who can’t form satisfying relationships with men. He says they transfer their style of choosing men over to the pet world. Instead of a dog, which usually genuinely loves its owner and cares about her, they choose a cat. Cats are usually selfish and don’t care about their owners one way or another as long as someone is feeding them. The women get disturbed over the fact that the cat is not returning their affection, but they convince themselves that the next cat will be much more loving. But the next cat turns out to be, well, a cat. Same problem. The woman decides that the NEXT cat will care about her more, but the same thing happens AGAIN. This is how (according to the vet) these women end up with multiple cats.

This makes perfect sense to me, because I’ve known a few women who choose one abusive boyfriend after another, while always finding a reason to send the nice, kind suitors away.

Hi Jamie

Interesting theories your vet has. I can’t imagine a vet thinking that cats don’t also “genuinely love” their owners.
Cats are … well, they’re just cats. They’ve got their own unique ways of doing and “saying” things. My cats are siblings. The original plan had been to get just one kitten. But kittens being the irresistable little critters that they are, it just wasn’t humanly possible to come home with only one. :lol:

What does your vet have to say about “non-pet people”? 8)


Nobody’s got a theory about people who don’t own pets. It’s just the cat ladies who are the interesting phenomenon. (At least within the range of people who pass for normal. I won’t get into the pit bull owners or wolf dog breeders.) I actually believe the vet’s theory about cat ladies, because everyone I know who has three or more cats fits that profile.


(Keeping God per se out of the concept for the moment,) this hortatory utterance suggests to me that by fully realizing and accepting the existence of an infinite, eternal universe around us, the existential horror of it all is allayed, and we can go back to the quotidian pleasures of keeping cats and eating yoghurt.

… which sort of matches what you said, Tom.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cute term :lol: ! I think I’ll adopt it. It sounds friendlier than ‘fluff’ and my relationship with these highly reproductive ‘critters’ (thanks for this one, too!) might improve a bit.


Well done, MM! If that isn’t a demonstration of high-register language (I hope I’ve used the correct term)! And what a magnificent statement, too!

(Sorry for all the exclamatory utterances.)