Explanation of 'pigeonhole'

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #75 [color=blue]“Christmas Postman (2)”, question 3

Immediately you arrived you had to start sorting the mail into different pigeon .

(a) parts
(b) gaps
(c) slots
(d) holes

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #75 [color=blue]“Christmas Postman (2)”, answer 3

Immediately you arrived you had to start sorting the mail into different pigeon holes.

Correct answer: (d) holes

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
Immediately you arrived you had to start sorting the mail into different pigeon parts.

What are pigeon holes?
I know that there are the birds called pigeons.
But pigeon holes?



Hi pivosz,

In this story the pigeonhole is a small slot or compartment into which, as here, the postman puts the letters according to the name of the road. You can also use the word as a verb meaning put something into a particular category.

In the sort of desk where the front opens and pulls down as a table or writing area you will find in the top part of the desk different slots or compartments in which you can put writing sheets/envelopes/letters and so on.
