Every and each

Hi all,

a/ “every two weekends” and “each two weekends” have the same meaning?
b/" at every two weekends" and “at each two weekends” have the same meaning?
c/“at every two weekends” and “every two weekends” have the same meaning?
d/" at each two weekends" and “each two weekends” have the same meaning?
e/“at each two-weekend afternoon” and “at every two-weekend afternoon” have the same meaning?
f/“each two-weekend afternoon” and “every two-weekend afternoon” have the same meaning?


The correct phrase is:

Every two weekends.

To specify the time of the day, you can add: In the afternoon, for example. Yet, it would still be confusing. Is it only Saturdays/Sundays or both days?

So, at each two weekend afternoon is wrong?
If not, the difference btw at each two weekend afternoon and each two weekend afternoon is…


Hi Alandro

In my opinion, the best expression here is “every other weekend” (rather than “every two weekends”).


He plays tennis every other weekend.

He plays tennis every other Saturday.

He plays tennis every other Sunday afternoon.

He plays tennis on (both) Saturday and Sunday afternoon every two weeks/every other weekend.
