Et la question principale reste; est-ce qu'on mérite vraiment une seconde chance./ The most important question remains: do we really deserve a second chance?

Simply take a look at the photo below:


In German that means: Und die Hauptfrage bleibt: Haben wir wirklich eine zweite Chance verdient? In Dutch it means: En de belangrijkste vraag blijft: verdienen we echt een tweede kans? @Torsten


@Torsten have you thought of studying Dutch? I’m sure you could master the language in no time. :heart: Perhaps you already do speak a bit of Dutch. :heart:


Well, I already understand quite a number of Dutch words and expressions but if I had the time I’d rather spend it on improving my Italian.


Fine with me. Whatever makes you happy. :heart:

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Tu es vraiment stupide.Tu crois vraiment qu’il y a un virus et que les médecins se soucient pour toi?On vit dans une société de consommateurs.Moi j’habite dans un pays ridicule c’est à dire La Bulgarie.En 2016 j’avais un caries.Je suis allé quatre fois aux différents dentistes et personne n’a pas dit de faire une photo qui se fait vite.Maintenant je porte une couronne parce que le dent s’est désagrégé… Les médecins pour moi sont égaux à des machines donc ils ne sont plus des êtres humains.Ils profitent de gens malheureux parce que il n’y a plus des gens sains.

  • Ce n’est pas vrai Kolev, il suffit de voir comment tous les médecins et toutes les autres infirmières du monde font plus que leur possible pour sauver des vies.

  • It’s not true Kolev, you just have a look at how all the doctors and all the nurses in the world are doing more than they can to save lives

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This what Kolev wrote:

You’re really stupid. Do you really believe that there is a virus and that doctors care about you? We live in a consumer society. I live in a ridiculous country, (that is to say) Bulgaria. In 2016 I had a cavity. I went to different dentists four times and nobody said to take a dental x-ray. Now I wear a crown because the tooth has disintegrated… To me doctors are the same as machines, so they are no longer human beings. They take advantage of unhappy people because there are no longer healthy people.

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Ki Kolev,

It seems to me that you’re pretty unhappy. I’m not. Sorry, if you think that’s stupid.

  • parce qu’il n’y a plus des gens sains.
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The picture seems to be a person who is holding mask for Corono Virus.


Hi @Shanthisethuraman,

It seems that way, but he’s actually holding a piece op rope with face masks hanging from it.