Essay Writing(help)

Hello Everybody;

       I'm really nervous, I have to write three essays on any topic of 500 words within 20 days. I know given deadline is enough for making it;but the problem is that I'm completely blank about from where to begin. As you see I dont have sufficient writing skills, I would be very glad if any of you could give me some essay writing tips and tell me how could I make my words more effective.

Please seniors guide me
Thanks in Advance
Waiting for replies.


You need a structure for any kind of essay writing and this consists of a beginning, a middle and and end. All pretty obvious I know but without a framework you can easily get stuck unless of course you have a lot of experience in writing. Once you have set yourself this structure you should then write simple notes or points on what you want to say and then you can fit these into the framework. The beginning must attract the reader and persuade him to read on. The middle is the main substance of what you want to say and the ending brings together your main points and reaches a conclusion. Give it a try.



Thanks Alan;

I’m done with topic selection, when essay would be accomplished I’ll post it here :slight_smile:
I would be glad if you further guide me and check my essay :slight_smile:

Stay blessed