
Both the reading and the lecture discuss about effectiveness of turtle excluder device (TED) to save the sea turtle. The article says that turtle excluder device can be attached to a shrim-fishing boats to protect the sea turtle is not a good option for several reasons. The professor opposes this idea by saying that according to many experts, TED is a better way to save the sea turtle and provides three reasons for support.

First, The article claims that several shrimpers suggest that with the use of TED, very small amount of turtle got traped and that was also in the expense of the shrimps. Plus, shrimp fishers complained that little amount of sea turtle saving didnot justified the loss of many shrimp. However, the professor says that many shrim boats are attached with TED and it helps to save many turtle. Morover, the professor says that turtle is an endangered species, more reduction in that number leads to a big problem. He notes that rather than focusing on individual shrimpers, whole sea turtle population should get more attention.

Second, the reading says that there will be some other ways to save sea turtle, which might be more effective then TED. Such as time limit made possible for shrimpers to kept nets for limited period and then pulled it and get a chance to release the turtle. The professor, however, says that this solution is correct for theoretical purpose only. He adds onto that it will be impossible to moniter the nets in a time limit.

Third, the article mentioned that TED could not be effective for larger species such as loggerhead and leatherback turtle. As they cannot fit well and cannot pass. The professor counteract this point by saying that it is very easy to modified the TED without compromising functionality. He points that it will be even helpful for small turtle as well.


Both the reading and the lecture discuss the effectiveness of turtle exclusion devices (TEDs) for saving sea turtles. The article states that turtle guards, which can be attached to crab fishing boats to protect sea turtles, are not a good option for several reasons. The professor disagrees with this idea, saying that according to many experts, TED is a better option to save sea turtles, and gives three reasons why.

First, the article claims that several shrimpers point out that very few turtles are caught by using TED, which also comes at the expense of the shrimp. In addition, shrimpers complained that the small amount of sea turtles saved did not justify the loss of many shrimp. However, the professor says that many shrimp boats are equipped with TED and thus many turtles can be saved. In addition, the professor says that the turtle is an endangered species and further reduction in its numbers will lead to a big problem. He points out that rather than focusing on individual shrimpers, more attention should be paid to the entire turtle population.

Second, the reading points out that there are other ways to save sea turtles that may be more effective than TED. For example, shrimpers could keep their nets for a limited period of time and then pull and release the turtles. However, the professor says that this solution is only for theoretical purposes. He adds that it will be impossible to monitor the nets in a given period of time.

Third, the article mentions that TED might not be effective for larger species such as loggerhead and leatherback turtles. They don’t fit well in the net and can’t pass through it. The professor counters that it is very easy to modify TED without compromising functionality. He points out that it will also be helpful for small turtles.