Essay about consumer goods and the advertising influence on people.IELTS preapare

[color=red]Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold?
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days there are so many consumer products accompanied with massive advertisements, that it’s hard for people to choose the right one for them. Furthermore, the sales of those goods impact the strength of advertising. This essay examines the needs of society and the goods they are suggested, whether they are necessary for them or not.

Some people think that advertising goods is useful thing for them. A new product, often come with advertising campaign, presenting the features of the product to the audience. It is a good opportunity for society to compare different consumer goods. Thus, customers could recognize the most suitable item for them. For instance, a woman with dry skin-face would prefer “Nivea Visage” face cream for dry skin instead of “Garnier” face creme for combined skin".

The second point of view, consider that advertisements multiplies peoples’ needs by inducing them to buy things they do not really need or things they can’t afford. There are lots of popular consumer goods and advertisements related with them everywhere nowadays: on television, newspapers and magazines, on radio, on the streets and etc. For example, someone has a mobile phone boughten two years ago, but the latest model suggest a lot of features that the previous one doesn’t have, so this person decide to buy it even if doesn’t need it.

In my view, it is our duty to be careful what we buy and to avoid unnecessary items. To summarize the above ideas, the sales of popular consumer goods influeance on the power of advertising companies and ofcourse, impact on people thinking. Therefore society should be careful and think twice before buy unnecessarily things and throwing its money away.

Many Regards, Diana

[color=violet]No pain, no gain!

TOEFL listening discussions: Why is the young woman unfamiliar with Q22?

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[color=red]Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold?
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days there are so many consumer products accompanied with massive advertisements, that it’s hard for people to choose the right one for their needs. Furthermore, the sales of those goods impact the strength of advertising. This essay examines the needs of society and the goods they are suggested and whether they are necessary for them or not.

Some people think that advertising goods is a useful thing for them. A new product, often come accompanied with an advertising campaign presenting the features of the product to the audience. It is a good opportunity for society to compare different consumer goods. Thus, customers could recognize the most suitable item for them. For instance, a woman with a dry skin-face would prefer “Nivea Visage” face cream for dry skin instead of “Garnier” face creme for combined skin".

The second point of view, consider that advertisements multiplies peoples’ desires by inducing them to buy things they do not really need, or things they cannot really afford. There are lots of popular consumer goods and advertisements related with them everywhere: on television, in newspapers and magazines, on the radio, on the street hoardings etc. etc,. For example, someone has a mobile phone that they bought two years ago, but the latest model suggest a lot of features that the previous one doesn’t have, so this person may decide to buy it even if they do not really need it.

In my view, it is our duty to be careful what we buy, and to avoid unnecessary items. To summarize the above ideas, the sales of popular consumer goods is influenced by the power of the advertising companies, and of course impact on peoples thinking. Therefore society should be careful and think twice before buying unnecessary things and throwing its money away.
Nice work Diana.

Kitos. 9/10

[color=indigo]Kitos, Thank you for your quick feedback! I highly appreciate your help, it’s really important and useful for me. Kitos bow to you as a token of gratitude and respect!
Many Compliments


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