English trainers wanted: Havelberg June/July 2010 (evening course)

Hello everyone, we are looking for English trainers for the following course.

Location: Havelberg near Stendal
Dates: June 7 through July, 2010 (part time)
Times and days: Every Monday and Tuesday from 5 to 8:15 pm (4 units per 45 minutes) and Wednesday from 5 pm to 7:30 pm (3 units per 45 minutes).

Total amount of lessons: 76.

The group consists of German Federal Army members (Bundeswehrangehörige). Their level is A2/B1 and at the end of the course they are taking the TOEIC Bridge Test.

For more information, please contact me here on the forum.

Many thanks,

Hi Torsten,

Thank you for responding - yes I am still interested.

Look forward to hearing from you further.


Hi Norma, would the dates and times and the location work for you? Would you commute between Havelberg and Berlin or stay in Havelberg?[YSaerTTEW443543]

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Hi Torsten,

As you know I desperately need a job and cannot afford at the moment to say in Havelberg - I would have to take the afternoon train to Havelberg and return in the evening - if I buy the tickets early enough I could make a saving. Unfortunatly, cannot say overnight or for the week - checked the D Bahn and the multimap route - the journey is about 100k, if possible I may hire a car for two/three days - could be cheaper.

Look forward to hearing from you further.


Hi Norma, many thanks for your quick response. You have the job. Let’s discuss details this weekend. Best regards, Torsten[YSaerTTEW443543]

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Hello Thorsten,

Yes this is the job that I was thinking about.

Look forward to it.


Hi Norma, how did the first two sessions in Havelberg go? How did you connect with the group?

Also, would you like to teach the new group from August 2 through September 24 (same times)?

Many thanks, Torsten[YSaerTTEW443543]

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Hello Torsten,

If you need someone to teach August 2nd- September 24th, then I’m most definitely available.

Nordhausen is going brilliantly; everyone is enjoying themselves and responding very well to the lessons.

Best Wishes,
