English Trainer wanted: Havelberg, March 15 through March 26, 10, full time

Hello everyone, we are looking for English trainers for the following course.

Location: Havelberg near Stendal
Dates: March 15 through March 26, 2010
Times: 8:00 until 3 pm every day, 8 lessons per 45 minutes from Monday through Friday
Purpose: teaching basic business English to beginners

The group is very small and consists of German Federal Army members (Bundeswehrangehörige). They are preparing for the LCCI Exam, Preliminary Level.

Each group member is going get a copy of the following book which the trainer should use too:

Fairway. A2. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch + Audio-CD + CD-ROM
Verlag: Klett Ernst /Schulbuch
Erscheinungsdatum: September 2005
ISBN: 3125014603

For more information, please contact me here on the forum.

Many thanks,

TOEIC listening, talks: Restaurant employee is promoting dinner specials[YSaerTTEW443543]

I would possibly be interested in this one - does anyone have any accommodation tips?

Hi Richard,

Accommodation will be available on site at a very reasonable price including breakfast. I can post the exact cost in a few days.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Radio presenter announces latest news including the President’s visit[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,
if it is so easy to get accommodation I think I could imagine to do that job in Havelberg. But we have not met each other yet, and that’s why I am asking: Is there anything I really should know before? Or is everything written in the Fairway book?

Best regards,