What do you mean by “I’m totally pissed”
Hi mishy
If you hear this sentence in the US, it would mean “I’m extremely angry”.
However, I believe it would mean “I’m extremely drunk” in the UK.
I use it both ways. Often.
Is life so tough in Japan, MM? :lol:
Too funny! :lol: :lol: :lol: I see , two different meanings.
I asked those words expressing the “drunk” meaning, “pissed” (the Miss Dictionary says: Brit sl, negative) , its idiom is like: “be as pissed as a newt”, meaning “very drunk”
Do you know other idioms with the similar meanings???
Do you mean idioms meaning drunk, FangFang?
Words and expressions such as drunk as a skunk? Three sheets to the wind? Plastered? Sh*tfaced? Bombed? Tipsy? “Serfectly pober”? :lol:
(We may have to rely on “frequent users” for additional ideas… ;))
Or maybe on frequent drinkers! :lol:
Frequent imbibers? 8)
While considering the adverse influence of Japan on my emotional and physical equilibrium, it occurred to me that ‘pissed’ can refer to either anger or intoxication, but ‘pissed off’ can only refer to the former.
Is that really an “idiom”? I thought it was just some inappropriate language. Oh well.
Well, I don’t know there are so many words and expressions with “drunk” meanings, I believe I can open a can of worms :lol:
Ok:I found some
- a sheet in the wind(slightly drunk, attention please, not three sheets___very drunk? :lol: )
- have a drop in one’s eye:slightly
- fall down the sink(boozer or toper)
- teach up
5)a wet smack(sot)
6)off the nail(slightly)
7)take one’s medicine
8)drunk as a lord
9)have a load on - wash one’s ivories
Well, those are what I can think of so far, I wonder if you have other expressions , Can you line them up according to the extent of drunkness? :lol: :lol:
Idiomatic because the basic meaning of the word is ‘urinate’, cooliegirly. Not inappropriate among the boys at a bar; but vulgar and therefore inappropriate in polite company.
its an usual american slang : “I´m totally pissed of” : es kotzt mich an… was du tust…
its also used in case in the vulg. communication : “you piss me of” : du kotzt mich an ( nicht im Sinnne von “vomit” ) sondern ist Ausdruck des Ärgers über jemanden
this idiom has nothing to do with urinate or drunk : 3rd example : i`m totally pissed of you" ich fühle mich völlig verarscht von dir, du kotzt mich an, so eine Scheiße hab ich noch nie gehört…
In my assessment i sujest that having a portion of land is worth than owning saphires, rubbies, jade or a diamond. The aquisition of land is crucial in maintaining the sacred connection and place to practice religious observation and respect of God, the Ancestors and divinities.
I think that having a portion of land is worth more than owning sapphires, rubies, jade or diamonds. The acquisition of land is crucial in maintaining the sacred connection and a place to practice religious observations and respect for God, our ancestors and other divinities.