Education is the key to a stronger community and wealthier personal life?

Does this sound natural in English?
“Education is the key to a stronger community and wealthier personal life?”


To me, “wealthier personal life” is a little ambiguous. If you mean someone has a lot of money, you say they are wealthy, not that they have a wealthy personal life. A rich personal life would mean that the person has a fulfilling, interesting life. So I would probably take wealthy personal life to mean the same thing, but I still wouldn’t feel 100% sure your weren’t just talking about money.


For me, “wealthier personal life” is that by receiving a good education you will be able to achieve some milestones in your life as well as a good salary. So I think that “wealthier personal life” is referring to the amount of money you have. However, I can suggest using some grammar checkers like Robotdon to be sure that this sentence is correct.


I’ve just tried the vocabulary function of Robotdon and none of the changes suggested by Robotdon makes any sense. How do you explain this?

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Education helps to appreciate the life in a new way, so yes, it makes you wealthier