Economics Terms

Hey El_Presidente, could you tell us about the economics you study in Warsaw? Do you start off with topics related to the demand and supply curves?

Oh, yes :slight_smile: Since mid-September I study at the Warsaw School of Economics. I’ve been attending the classes for some two weeks now.

Anyway, because I’ve skipped the General English course, I’m going to learn English economic vocabulary since the very beginning of my studies.

I will have my first Business English class tomorrow. We’ll see what happens :roll:

What kind of materials do you use in your class? Do you also speak English there? Who are your teachers?

Hello El_Presidente,

This is a strange response to your post.

In May this year I traveled to Poland for a month. My goal was too learn about the Polish people – in particular, the effect of the Soviet, Nazi and Communist occupations on the Polish psyche.

On the train from Warsaw to Bailowieska National Park I met 3 wonderful old couples (I am 69 years old). We became great friends and I spent the weekend with them in their small villa and traveled about with them. They answered all of typical naive American questions. It was wonderful.

Unfortunately we separated so quickly that I forgot to get their contact information.
The only useful information I remember was that “Julita” taught a university level class in “English economic vocabulary.” Searching the Internet with such terms I found your post.
If the teacher you had was named Julita would please either send me her email address or other contact information or give her my email address:

Thank you very much for your trouble.


PS: Good luck in your study of English. It will be useful through out the world.