..... earnings per share (also called fully diluted EPS) takes into account all shares currently outstanding, plus the number of shares that would be outstanding if all convertible bonds and convertible preferred stock (preference shares)

..... earnings per share (also called fully diluted EPS) takes into account all shares currently outstanding, plus the number of shares that would be outstanding if all convertible bonds and convertible preferred stock (preference shares) were exchanged for common stock (ordinary shares). (*) Extended (*) Gross (*) Primary (*) Qualified

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/10799,___-earnings-per-share-also-called-fully-diluted-eps-takes-into-account-all-shares-currently-outstanding-plus-the-number-of-shares-that-would-be-outstanding-if-all-convertible-bonds-and-convertible-preferred-stock-preference-shares-were-exchanged-for-common-stock-ordinary-shares/
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According to the Economic Times, diluted EPS is a more expanded version of basic (primary) EPS.
But Iā€™m not quite sure about this, you should definitely double-check.

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