doubt / suspicion

  1. Could you clarify my doubt about using the phrase correctly.
  2. Could you dispel my doubt about using the phrase correctly.
  3. Could you Clear/(clear up) my doubt about using the phrase correctly.
  4. O God! Please remove/eliminate my suspicion due to misunderstanding and negative thoughts.
    Please correct the above sentences and comment.
    Please give me some more examples on ‘doubt’ and ‘suspicion’.

Please help me by answering my queries.

Fathima, first consult a good dictionary for the difference in meaning between ‘doubt’ and ‘suspicion’. They do not mean the same. Here I presume that by doubt you mean a sense of diffidence. So you could try these now:

  1. Could you help me overcome my doubt about using the phrase correctly.
  2. Could you dispel my doubt about using the phrase correctly.
  3. Could you clear up my doubt about using the phrase correctly.
  4. O God! Please undo my feeling of suspicion resulting from misunderstanding and negative thinking.