Does Michael say "Ah, yes... Sir"?

Hello everyone,

In the movie Mission to Venice there is a scene where Michael and Maria come to Paul’s little restaurant.

  • Hey, Paul, have you got my old table?
  • Of course I have. Those two Chinese are leaving. You’ll never guess what they ordered. They asked for bird nest soup and I gave a minestrone instead.
  • Well, do you want the same as usual?
  • Ah, yes… I… Sir.

I must say I fail to make out what Michael says in response. I think the second word is “yes” (the first is either Ah or Oh) and the last word is “Sir”. And probably there is “I” in between…

The scene in question starts at 36.40

Thank you.


It’s sort of slurred together but he seems to say:
Oh yes, aye aye sir

“Aye, aye sir“ is what a sailor might say instead of “yes sir” in response to an order.
Note the little salute.
Remember that they’re dubbing this in English from the original French, so the translation and timing might not be the best.

Also, I believe the previous line is
“I gave them minestrone instead.”


Thank you very much, Arinker!