Do you want ..... sugar in your coffee?

(*) some

(*) much

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Actually, I’m trying to limit my sugar consumption as much as possible, since I’ve been overdoing it for the past few months. Sugar is a real drug that is just as addictive as nicotine, canabis or alcholol.

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Very good Torsten, you have to taper it to prevent narcotic withdrawal syndrome. :joy:

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Well, I try to compensate for the addiction with sweeteners, even if that only works to a limited extent. :smiley:

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I wonder why you want to have sugar in your coffee or tea? I never have suggar in my coffee, not even milk or cream, because it tastes like poison. :innocent:

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I have a sweet tooth. Fortunately I don’t buy much stuff with a lot of sugar. If I have it, I’ll gobble it down in no time. So I just don’t buy it.

I buy ice cream a couple times a year. Not long ago I went probably ten years without buying it because I couldn’t control myself eating it. So I just stopped buying it.

I buy cookies 4-5 times a year. That’s not enough to concern me. Around Christmas the neighbors always bring over dozens of cookies, fudge and candy. It’s gone in no time. I can eat a few dozen cookies in a couple of hours.

As for coffee, I use artificial sweetener. I don’t like sugar in coffee. I also use artificial cream which is mostly milk solids and dextrose.

I buy a liter of carbonated drink once every 2-3 years. I usually buy Vernors which I love. It’s been many years since I drank something like a Coke or Pepsi. I can’t even remember the last time.


I’m very happy for you that you have such nice, kind and warm-hearted neighbours, but you know what they say: ‘Waste not, want not’! Right? However, you can get addicted to almost everything - oh why did God make food so good and so tasteful? - I for one am addicted to Belgian chocolate bonbons. They are so good and coveted almost everywhere. If had your address I’d certainly send you a one kilo box of them every month.

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Sugar, yes, but you forget one thing,… well actually I have to make a confession. I was having so much stress twenty years ago. I couldn’t sit still, I paced up and down the house and finally I consulted a doctor who prescribed me Lorazepam (2,5 mg). Since he did that regularly I became addicted to them. Lorazepam is what I call a legal, illegal drug. Luckily, I another doctor made me get rid of them, but the withdrawal symptoms made me look like a zombie. It’s also been scientifically proven that those pills can cause premature dementia. Lorazepam is also known as Temesta.

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