…as we’d be raising the sun?
[size=117]Celebrating Treasured Memories: Alzheimer’s Society Dunedin [/size]
Julie Butler is manager at the Dunedin branch of Alzheimer’s Society Otago. She is excited about key events for the organisation this month, and … the look-out for people to join in and help out. There are a number of volunteer roles to be filled.
Alzheimer’s disease is … the increase in New Zealand. While the number of Kiwis affected by Alzheimer’s currently sits … around roughly 1% of the population, numbers rose … over 18% in just the three years between 2008 and 2011. Future projections are not good. With increased lifespans and the baby boomer generation coming … age, Alzheimer’s is set to become one of our major health problems. Support for research … the disease, and for organisations like the Alzheimer’s Society, is now more critical than … before!
World Azheimer’s Day (September 21st) is … raising public awareness around Alzheimer’s and dementia. We all need to be reminded that millions worldwide are affected by this disorder. That doesn’t just mean the people who suffer from dementia personally, … the sadness and stress of watching a loved one’s slow decline will often affect the individual’s entire family.
Please Remember September 20th!
The Alzheimer’s Society will be holding their street collection on the 20th September this year. This annual appeal is vital … supporting the organisation’s important work. The Alzheimer’s Society usually raises several thousand dollars this way, and this year, Julie is hoping some of the money can go … buying more pendants for the innovative WandaTrak service recently implemented in Dunedin and other parts of the Otago region.
WandaTrak is a radio tracking technology already helping many Kiwis who suffer from dementia, at risk of wandering and becoming lost. Volunteering as a collector is a fantastic and easy way to make a real difference … the lives of these New Zealanders and their families – so if you can spare a couple of hours on Saturday the 20th September, why not mark it on your calendar and contact the Alzheimer’s Society? Go on, do it now – … you forget!
*A pendant is a jewellery necklace and here used as a pun describing a gem, an amiable and caring person(-ess!!) who’s literally a follower as well.
*the difference in pronunciation between: They suggest a sizeable in crease in sales, versus, Sales’re to increase substantially …
*but: They suggest a rapid decline in demands, as well as, Demands’re to decline dramatically …
It seems a bit out-dated – I just forgot it!