Do you like Poetries?

Hi …

My Friend Mba has given us some information about one of the famousest versifiers in Arabic world and maybe in all over the world , and his name is Nizar Qabani

like Mba …I would like you to read this poem which was written by him , and the name of it is:
Rivers of Sorrow
It’s a sentimental poem ,but generally I think that it’s fantastic poem !!

By the way , I tried to translate it as I could , and I parted it to two parts "Arabic and English " below the Arabic part you will find the translation of it …
another thing …this poem was sung by Arabian singer and his name is Khaled AL-Shishk and he is from Kuwait …


[b]نزار قباني- نهرالأحزان

عيناكِ كنهري أحـزانِ

نهري موسيقى… حملاني

لوراءِ، وراءِ الأزمـانِ

نهرَي موسيقى قد ضاعا

سيّدتي… ثمَّ أضاعـاني

your eyes are two rivers of sorrow

that took me to a time beyond time

two rivers of music

in which i’m lost

الدمعُ الأسودُ فوقهما

يتساقطُ أنغامَ بيـانِ

عيناكِ وتبغي وكحولي

والقدحُ العاشرُ أعماني

Black tears like flowing rains

covering your eyes…

my tobacco…my alcohol

I’m blinded by the 10th glass

وأنا في المقعدِ محتـرقٌ

نيراني تأكـلُ نيـراني

أأقول أحبّكِ يا قمري؟

آهٍ لـو كانَ بإمكـاني

فأنا لا أملكُ في الدنيـا

إلا عينيـكِ وأحـزاني

I’m Burning in my seat

A fierce fire eating my fire

Shall I say I Love You, my moon

Aaah…i wish i could

for all i have are your eyes…

and my sorrows

سفني في المرفأ باكيـةٌ

تتمزّقُ فوقَ الخلجـانِ

ومصيري الأصفرُ حطّمني

حطّـمَ في صدري إيماني

my ships are broken on the docks

my gloomy destiny broke me

broke my faith

أأسافرُ دونكِ ليلكـتي؟

يا ظـلَّ الله بأجفـاني

يا صيفي الأخضرَ ياشمسي

يا أجمـلَ… أجمـلَ ألواني

my pretty lilac flower…shall i go on without you

when you’re a goddess’ shadow to my eyes

my green summer … my sun

my most beautiful…beautiful colors

هل أرحلُ عنكِ وقصّتنا

أحلى من عودةِ نيسانِ؟

أحلى من زهرةِ غاردينيا

في عُتمةِ شعـرٍ إسبـاني

يا حبّي الأوحدَ… لا تبكي

فدموعُكِ تحفرُ وجـداني

Shall I leave you when we’re prettier than April’s coming back

or a Gardenia in a dark gypsy hair

my one love…don’t cry

your tears burn my deep

فأنـا إنسـانٌ مفقـودٌ

لا أعرفُ في الأرضِ مكاني

ضيّعـني دربي… ضيّعَـني

إسمي… ضيَّعَـني عنـواني

تاريخـي! ما ليَ تاريـخٌ

إنـي نسيـانُ النسيـانِ

إنـي مرسـاةٌ لا ترسـو

جـرحٌ بملامـحِ إنسـانِ

I am but a lost man

Who doesn’t know his place in this existence

i lost my way

lost my name

lost my address

i have no history

iam forgotten

a broken anchor

a wound in the shape of a man

ماذا أعطيـكِ؟ أجيبيـني

قلقـي؟ إلحادي؟ غثيـاني

ماذا أعطيـكِ سـوى قدرٍ

يرقـصُ في كفِّ الشيطانِ

أنا ألـفُ أحبّكِ… فابتعدي

عنّي… عن نـاري ودُخاني

فأنا لا أمـلكُ في الدنيـا

إلا عينيـكِ… وأحـزاني

what shall i give you

my worries?..blasphemy? sickness

what shall i give you but an uncertain destiny

i love you a thousand times

so stay away from me

from my burning fire

for i have nothing

but your eyes

and my sorrows[/b]


Salaam herc
Great poetry… :o
I have a hobby for reading poetry… my favourite obviously is the Syrian Poet Nizar Qabani… I love his poems so much… So I will post this one cuz it is translated to English about Jerusalem…
Anyone out there can help me find more poems for him then please share…!!
I like to discuss poetry… I used to write poetry my self… now I don’t much and decided to just write in my blog about my thoughts and dreams and the way I feel sometimes…


I wept until my tears were dry

I prayed until the candles flickered

I knelt until the floor creaked

I asked about Mohammed and Christ

Jerusalem, luminous city of prophets,
Shortest path between heaven and earth !

Jerusalem, you of the myriad minarets,
become a beautiful little girl with burned fingers.
City of the virgin, your eyes are sad.
Shady oasis where the Prophet passed,
the stones of your streets grow sad,
the towers of mosques downcast.
City swathed in black, who’ll ring the bells
at the Holy Sepulcher on Sunday mornings?
Who will carry toys to children
on Christmas Eve?
City of sorrows, a huge tear
trembling on your eyelid,
Who’ll save the Bible?
Who’ll save the Qur’an?
Who will save Christ, who will save man?

Jerusalem, beloved city of mine,
tomorrow your lemon trees will bloom,
your green stalks and branches rise up joyful,
and your eyes will laugh. Migrant pigeons
will return to your holy roofs
and children will go back to playing.
Parents and children will meet
on your shining streets,
my city, city of olives and peace.

Nizar Qabbani
and i post to Fangfang anther poetry to Nizar Qabbani , enjoy with all

Hi Herc, Hi Mba

Thanks for the poems.
Herc, you’re right. Your poem is very sentimental and lovely.
Mba, your poem really has some very nice imagery.

Do you two also write your own poetry? Maybe we’ll see some of that in the forum, too. :smiley:


Hi Herc and Mba!
These poems are excellent and made a deep impression on me! :smiley:

Hi Dark magician, Hi Herc!

Great poems, thank you!
I like reading poetry and really wonder how close and how sharable feelings of people from different cultures and even ages could be when they have been expressed by poetry and/or musics.


hello poets,
your poems are just great! So sentimental Herc !
Would you know, I copied your poems and have it printed for my own reading pleasure. I use to dabble into writing some poetry of my own before. . but not anymore :frowning: But I do love poems. . Please keep them coming.

Hi sheri…

you are my new friend :slight_smile:

anyway … Have you ever heard any things about Nizar Qabani … …
and which kind of poetry do you like ?..
National poetries , sentimental poetries …etc
by the way …could you tell us some of your poems … please


hello Herc,
Honestly I’m not familiar with the poems of Qabani but I would love to see more of his work through you . :smiley:
I go for sentimental poems like the one you had the first time - expressions of deep emotions. .sonnets,. .not much with national. My poems are just simple expressions of a growing young woman’s confusion about the world. . It’s really nothing to be proud of. . I wrote them during my younger days. . Now, I don’t do poetry anymore. . :cry: I can’t ssem to find the inspiration to write anymore. .

Hi sheri,

You wrote:

Don’t be so modest about your poems… They might well be real masterpieces. I’d personally find poems written by a young woman about her confusion about the world very interesting. The best thing about poetry is that there are no bad poems. We all have different tastes, and I think that next to all poems will appeal to people.

hello Englishuser,

Many thanks for the vote of confidence. You’re right. there is no such thing as a bad poem. Basically because poems are expressions of what the writer feels about the things around him . .or maybe with the simple purpose of letting go of his emotions. Are you into poetry yourself? Would you share some of your personal favorites - your own or by others?

Hi Sheridan,

You wrote:

Yes, you could say that I’m into poetry in the sense that I like reading poems. What is more, I like discussing and analysing poems. I regret to say that I’m not really a poet myself - at least not at the moment. Therefore I think I had better submit some of my favourite poems written by others instead. If you like, we could then discuss poems here in the forum, or even write short poem reviews. I think that analysing poems would be a great way of improving not only one’s English but also in developing analytical skills that are greately appreciated.

Hi Englishuser,

You wrote:

If you like, we could then discuss poems here in the forum, or even write short poem reviews. I think that analysing poems would be a great way of improving not only one’s English but also in developing analytical skills that are greately appreciated

I would love that. Poems fascinate the analytic in me. .It isn’t easy analyzing poems. And not everybody could analyze a poem. Tell me. .Is there a right or wrong interpretation or analysis?

Hi Poets !

You are right Sheri !!!

and maybe one word or one sentence at any poem has one superficial meaning but in the same time it’s a lot of deep meaning …!!

I remember one poem for Mr.Qabani which named " My love and the Rain " …
Simply,If you read it ,you will amaze about it …and maybe you will cry !! It has a lot of mixed feelings …

it’s one of wonders !!!

at first , you’ll think that It’s a sentimental poem or a strong love poem, and Nizar sank in his loving or flirted his love …but the analyzers said that :
Nizar cried and his heart was burnt after his mother death !!! he was very distressed and very romantic in the same time !!
so he wrote that poem …

by the way, The Caesar of Arabic Song " Kadem AL-Saher sang it , and I think you can download it … :roll:

Best wishes
