Do you know the world's largest ringing bell is in Burma?

Dear Readers,

I wonder if you know the world’s largest ringing bell is in Burma.
I will post the photos when I can.

The title of most massive functioning bell in the world has been held chronologically by:
Year lb tons kg Bell Fate
732 96,000 48 43,545 To-dai-ji Temple Bell Surpassed
1484 655,000 327.5 297,103 Great Bell of Dhammazedi ( Burma ) Sunk during transport
1602 96,000 48 43,545 To-dai-ji Temple Bell Surpassed
1633 148,000 74 67,132 Chion-in Temple Bell Surpassed
1810 195,000 97.5 88,451 Mingun Bell Fell during earthquake ( Burma )
1839 148,000 74 67,132 Chion-in Temple Bell Surpassed
1896 195,000 97.5 88,451 Mingun Bell Surpassed
1902 251,000 125.5 113,852 Shitennō-ji Temple Bell Recycled for war
1942 195,000 97.5 88,451 Mingun Bell Surpassed ( Burma )
2000 255,200 127.6 115,757 Bell of Good Luck Incumbent

Great Bell of Dhammazedi

At approximately 300 tons, the Great Bell of Dhammazedi is the largest bell to have existed in recorded history.[1] Cast in 1484 by King Dhammazedi of Burma, this bell was located at the Shwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon, Burma (now Yangon, Myanmar). The bell was said to be twelve cubits (6.276 m) high and eight cubits (4.184 m) wide.

(The Great Bell of Dhammazedi remained at the Shwedagon Pagoda as the heaviest functioning bell in the world until 1602. That year, Portuguese warlord and mercenary Philip de Brito removed it and attempted to carry it by a specially constructed raft down the Yangon River to his stronghold of Thanlyin (later known as Syriam). However, the ship carrying the bell sank at the confluence of the Yangon and Bago rivers. The Dhammazedi Bell remains buried to this day at that location, possibly well-preserved, beneath some 25 feet (7.6 m) of sediment. Numerous attempts have been made to locate and recover the bell, thus far without success.[2][3]

So while the Great Bell of Dhammazedi might indeed be the heaviest bell in the world, it must be disqualified from consideration as such, until it has been recovered and restored to a functional status. ) Wiki.

with kind regards.