Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer

Please evaluate my essay
It is often argued one should judge a person by his external appearance or not. I completely agree with the opinion one should not judge a person by his external appearance.
First of all, external appearance of any person can change with the changing time but internal heart feelings will remain same. External appearance can be misleading well-dressed person with the beautiful face can be a fraudster.
Person can easily disguise themselves by adopting a flamboyant appearance. Therefore, it is necessary “One should never judge a book by its cover”. For instance, Mahatma Gandhi outward appearance was not remarkable nobody can make out from his appearance he is the most important man in the Indian history. So, if judge people from their appearance we can never release people’s potential.

Secondly, we may lose the opportunity to make good friends if we judge people based on their clothes and face. We should talk to people and try to understand them without making prior sketch of them. May be a person to whom you think from his look that we can’t be friend may turn out your best friend.

Thirdly, some people do field work may be their appearance is not as sophisticated which scored great score in people’s books due to their job type. So, if we judge them because of this we would never talk to them. Those people will never get the respect in the society because their clothes are dirty.
I believe that inner beauty is the most important. As, a person cannot spend his/her whole life with the beautiful wife/husband until and unless he/she is loving, caring and responsible. It is our responsibility we should respect each and every person and should not judge them by his outward appearance. At least gives one chance to other before judging them. And always remember that “Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder”

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Hi, welcome to our forum. Please find an amended version of your essay below and check the changes:

It is often argued that one should or should not judge a person by their outward appearance. I completely agree with the opinion that you should not judge a person by his outward appearance.
First of all, a person’s outward appearance may change over time, but the inner feelings of heart remain the same. Outward appearance can be misleading; a well-dressed person with a beautiful face can be a fraud.
A person can easily disguise himself by adopting an extravagant appearance. Therefore, “You should never judge a book by its cover”. For example, Mahatma Gandhi was not remarkable in appearance, no one can conclude from his appearance that he is the most important man in Indian history. So if we judge people by their appearance, we can never unleash people’s potential.

Second, if we judge people based on their clothes and faces, we can lose the opportunity to make good friends. We should talk to people and try to understand them without forming an image of them first. It may be that a person you think we can’t be friends with because of their appearance turns out to be your best friend.

Thirdly, some people work in the field, maybe their appearance is not so sophisticated, which is well received by people because of their kind of work. If we judge them because of that, we would never talk to them. These people will never get the respect in society because their clothes are dirty.
I believe that inner beauty is the most important thing. Because a person cannot spend his whole life with a beautiful woman/man unless he/she is loving, caring and responsible. It is our responsibility that we respect each person and do not judge him/her by their outward appearance. At least give the other person a chance before judging him/her. And always remember that “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.