Do TV programs, movies, and video games influence young people's behavior?

The topic of impacts of TV programs, movies, and video games on children has been widely discussed for many years. Some people believe that these materials strongly influence behavior of the children. However, others think that these materials do not change young people’s act. As far as I concern, I completely believe that video games, movies, and television programs affect kids’ behavior in both ways: positive and negative.

In the aspect of the positive impacts, many TV programs and movies effectively educate children. Kids are able to learn from many useful TV programs. For instance, National Geographic is a very helpful program that allows the children to learn a lot of new things. Also, some movies teach children about the history. For example, Bangrachan War teaches student about history of Thailand. Children are able to learn the history by watching the movie, which might be more interesting than reading a book. Admittedly, people learn something after they watch the TV programs or movies, so if children properly spend their free time watching these materials with their parents, it will allow them to know appropriate things. They will act the good behave when they learn the right things.

Nevertheless, TV programs, movies, and video games have some negative impacts. Some programs are produced for adult only. Hence, if we allow the kids to watch them, children will behave badly. For instance, some video games make young people think that they can kill people so because they are able to do in the games. Furthermore, some violent video games teach player to steal money from the bank and escape from police. Children might believe that they can do these activities in the real world. Also, some movies present the violent action which should be censored for the children. As you can see, a lot of materials may change children’s behavior into bad ways.

In short, I totally believe that children’ behaviors are affected by television programs, movies, and video games. Thus, parents should carefully control when their kids associate with these materials.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a student and a campus patrolman

The topic of impacts of TV programs, movies, and video games on children has been widely discussed for many years. Some people believe that these materials strongly influence THE behaviour of YOUNG children. However, others think that these materials do not change young people’s ATTITUDES TOWARD OTHERS. As far as I AM concernED, I TRULY believe that video games, movies, and television programs affect kids’ behavior in both ways: positive and negative.

In the aspect of the positive impacts, many TV programs and movies effectively educate children. Kids are able to learn from many useful TV programs. For instance, National Geographic is a very helpful program that allows the children to learn a lot of new things. Also, some movies teach children about the history. For example, Bangrachan War teaches student about THE history of Thailand. Children are able to learn the history by watching the movie, which might be more interesting than reading a book. Admittedly, people learn something after they watch the TV programs or movies, so if children properly spend their free time watching these materials with their parents, it will allow them to know appropriate things. They will behave when they learn the right things.

Nevertheless, TV programs, movies, and video games have some negative impacts. Some programs are produced for adultS only. Hence, if we allow the kids to watch them, children will behave badly. For instance, some video games make young people think that they can kill people so because they are able to do in the games. Furthermore, some violent video games teach playerS to steal money from the bank and escape from THE police. Children might believe that they can do these activities in the real world. Also, some movies present the violent action which should be censored for the children. As you can see, a lot of materials may change children’s behavior into bad ways.

In short, I totally believe that children’ behaviors are affected by television programs, movies, and video games. Thus, parents should carefully control when their kids associate with these materials.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Very good Omo, but I would use children instead of kids … always.

Kitos. 9/10