Do pieces mean some of the hints which help solve a case?

Hello Alan, Mister Micawber, Beeesneees, Mordant, Esl_Expert and other native English speakers, … r_embedded
[1:37 / 2:29] My father had the [color=red]pieces, but he couldn’t make them fit.

Do [color=red]pieces mean some of the hints which help solve a case?

Yes, indeed. He had the clues and hints but couldn’t piece them together.

Thank you, B.

My father had the [color=red]pieces, but he couldn’t make them fit.

Do you use [color=red]pieces with “the”?

Yes, that’s quite usual.

You might have a piece, some pieces or all the pieces.

Hi Tofu,

You have to imagine that ‘pieces’ are parts for example of a jigsaw puzzle which you have to fit together in order to make a complete picture. We would say ‘the’ pieces because they are ‘the’ pieces of the jigsaw or ‘the’ pieces of information.


Thank you, B and Alan.