Divulge Our Own Secrets

Secrets generate devastating and sadness if we keep them inside our hearts. Therefore, we always recourse to close friends or relatives to talk with. But we have to know that faithfulness is lost and golden days finished so long time ago. And now a days it is so hard to find a trustfulness person who deserves to be called a friend in need is a friend in deed. But even if we suppose that we have such one, I think that there are certain secrets that we will never ever tell any one about, and we will prefer sadness into living miserably.

In life, every single day we are subject to face embarrassing and difficult situations whether at a university, work, or any place on this earth. So we prefer for such incidents to be a skeleton in the cupboard rather than speak them out, especially if we are talking to a woman, because it is known that women are talkative.

And I think no one of us may say bad things about him/her self, no one will acknowledge that s/he is a lazy, molester, rapist, thief, et cetera. These ones which will ruin the reputation of some people especially famous stars, priests, or who occupy high positions in their countries.

From my small experience in life, I have discovered that most of us like gossips and utilize every single fault to talk about others` imperfection to appear as if we are the perfect.

In brief, it is much better to watch our steps carefully, know with whom we deal and try as possible as we can to not divulge our secrets even to the most trustfulness person in the world.

TOEFL listening discussions: How is the young woman financing her education?

Secrets generate devastating DEVASTATION and sadness if we keep them inside our hearts. Therefore, we always HAVE recourse to close friends or relatives to talk with. But We have to know that faithfulness is ALMOST lost and THE golden days OF YESTERYEAR ARE LONG GONE.finished so long time ago. And (Nowadays) it is so hard to find AN trustfulness HONEST person who deserves to be called a friend. in need is a friend in deed. But
Even if we suppose that we have FOUND such A one, I think that there are certain secrets that we will never ever tell (anyone) about(.) and we will prefer sadness into living miserably.

In life, every single day we are subject to face embarrassing and difficult situations(,) whether at a university, work, or any place on this earth. So we prefer for such incidents to be a skeleton in OUR cupboard rather than speak ABOUT them out, especially if we are talking to a woman, because it is known that women are talkative.

And I think noT one of us may IS INCLINED TO say bad things about him/her self(.) NOBODY WANTS TO ADMIT will acknowledge that s/he is a lazy, molester, rapist, thief, etcetera. These ones which will
SUCH ADMISSIONS WOULD SURELY ruin the reputation of some people(,) especially famous stars, priests, or THOSE who occupy high positions in their countries.

From my small experience in life, I have discovered that most of us like TO gossip and utilize every single fault WHEN talkING about others`imperfectionS SO AS to appear as if we OURSELVES are perfect.

In brief, it is much better to watch our steps carefully, know with whom we ARE dealING(,) and TO try as HARD AS we can not TO divulge our OWN secrets even to the most trustful person in the world.
Good morning Sandy. This work was badly constructed. A lot of random ideas just thrown together. You must try to arrange your work in a more organised manner.
Avoid starting sentences with “and” or “but”.

Kitos. 7/10

Good morning mr. Kitos.
I will rewrite it again. I do not know why I have problems with punctuallity, although I tried to learn from my previous essays.
Thank you, mr. Kitos

:slight_smile: You don’t have problems with your punctuality, you have them with your punctuation.

Read your finished work ALOUD. You will hear when you should use a comma, and when a sentence has reached its conclusion.