Distance and e-learning

I’ve read Christopher’s article Open versus Closed School Policy at english-test.net and I understand what he is trying to say and language learning via www is a useful tool, provided it can be backed up with other methods. For instance distance learning is hard to assess for both teachers and pupils.

I am learning ancient Greek through an online programme, submitting homework weekly and being assessed - okay, it is a minority subject, but I feel keenly the lack of any face to face feedback. Language learning seems to require auditory input as well as visual, for it to be easily assimilated. I lament the fact that I have no idea on ancient Greek pronounciation other than my own interpretation from written guides - there are very few language tapes available that are suitable, if any.

But, on the positive side, eGreek has allowed me to learn so much over the past eight months, at my own speed and at my convenience.
As web technology evolves it will be easier to access all forms of information, interactive as well as audio-visual. The comparison with the Gutenberg Press is an apt one.

eLearning will be a tremendous asset and from my own job I know that British exam boards are considering various online options for some higher level exams, but they will be backed up by the physical teacher/pupil interface.

In my college, it is apparent that some candidates for the Literacy and Numeracy and IT online exams, take them less seriously than they do a written exam for the same subject. Is this because a minority of young people associate computers with entertainment and games? And how do we overcome this attitude? Will it be a case of familiarisation over the years and a gradual acceptance of the method of exam taking? The next couple of years are going to prove very interesting for me as an exams administrator.

Hi Sue! Why did you decide to learn ancient GREEK?
Thank you in advance.
Terminator :evil:

Hi Terminator!

well, I have studied Latin and the Classics for a number of years and really enjoyed being able to read Vergil in his native language. I thought it would be challenging to attempt to learn enough classical Greek to to be able to read some of Homer’s Odyssey as well. It’s also an intellectual exercise, and very satisfying when I get translations correct. (which doesn’t occur 100% of the time!) Also very many words in English have Greek roots and this is an interesting "extra"for me, whilst learning these “dead” languages.

Hi Sue!
It is interesting for me!
Tell me a few english words which have these roots.
It will be interesting for my friends as well.
Terminator :evil:

Hi Sue!
Tell me please in which college do you teach?
Thank you very much
Kat :shock:

Hi Terminator

well, here are a few English derivatives that spring to mind

geron- old man which gives us the medical science of gerontology or the adjective geriatric in English

Demos - people which gives us democracy
grapho- I write - leading to graphic, graphology etc

fone-voice gives us phonics and phonetic etc

monarchos - king English monarch, monarchy. monarchical

zoon- animal , zoology, protozoan, etc (where proton =
first, zoon=animal)

ge- earth , geology, geography, geophysics etc

akouo I hear -gives us accoustic

and many many more. there are words in Latin that are borrowed from Greek as well but the Romans are known for taking an original idea and improving upon it…

Hi Kat

I am not a teacher- I work in the College Data Management centre, with responsibility for Examinations. I enter students for dozens of different exams and run an online examination process for the college for various Literacy and Numeracy and Information Technology Exams.

I am a behind-the -scenes persons- I leave the hard work of teaching to the College Lecturers!

Our college is Filton College in Bristo: Filton.ac.uk

Hi Sue! Thank you for this information! I understand you like to learn “dead” languages. Maybe you know "dead "language which became alive?
Thank you in advance

Hi Sue!
Thank you
Terminator :evil: