Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a media-rich society

It is becoming more and more difficult to escape the influence of the media on our lives. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a media-rich society.

The influence of media on our lives has increased dramatically over the past 50 years with the development of technology. First, it was the newspaper, then the telegraph, radio, telephone, television and now the internet. Living in a media-rich society has not only good parts, but it also has drawbacks. Some of the advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in this order.

One of the best advantages of media is the fact that information spreads around the world very fast. People can find out news about things that have happened on the other side of the world within few minutes from the moment of the event only by accessing the internet or by watching television. Another advantage of living in a world invaded by media consists of the huge amount of information delivered to citizens. Just by reading a newspaper, one finds news about many fields, for instance: sports, politics, economics, education and so on. Furthermore, being surrounded by media means that citizens are always aware of new products that appear on the market.

However, living in a media-rich society does not come only with advantages, but disadvantages, too. For example, the information delivered to people through commercials is very often distorted in order to convince people to purchase a product they don’t even need. Furthermore, the content of the information can be disturbing for some people. Take as an example children who navigate on the internet: only by accessing an ordinary link, a pop-up window with adult content can open, without children’s permission or awareness. Also media is used by governments to manipulate people, controlling the information that is delivered by television to society. From these examples it can be concluded that media can have a bad influence on our lives.

Following the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages it is obvious that media is a powerful tool and people need to be extremely aware of the power and influence media can have on our society.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a university student and an employee in the university registrar’s office

It is becoming more and more difficult to escape the influence of the media on our lives. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a media-rich society.

The influence of media on our lives has increased dramatically over the past FIFTY years with the development of technology. First, it was the newspaper, then the telegraph, radio, telephone, television and now the (I)nternet. Living in a media-rich society has not only good parts, but it also has drawbacks. Some of the advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in this order.

One of the best advantages of media is the fact that information spreads around the world very fast. People can find out news about things that have happened on the other side of the world within few minutes from the moment of the event SIMPLY by accessing the (I)nternet or by watching television. Another advantage of living in a world invaded by media(,) consists of the huge amount of information delivered to citizens. Just by reading a newspaper, one finds news about many fields, for instance: sports, politics, economics, education and so on. Furthermore, being surrounded by media means that citizens are always aware of new products that appear on the market.

However, living in a media-rich society does not come only with advantages, but disadvantages, too. For example, the information delivered to people through commercials is very often distorted in order to convince people to purchase a product they don’t even need. Furthermore, the content of the information can be disturbing for some people. Take as an example children who navigate on the (I)nternet: only by accessing an ordinary link, a pop-up window with adult content can open, without children’s permission or awareness. Also media is used by governments to manipulate people, controlling the information that is delivered by television to society. From these examples it can be concluded that media can have a bad influence on our lives.

Following the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages it is obvious that THE media is a powerful tool(,) and people need to be extremely aware of the power and influence media can have on our society.
Good work Kitisoare, but be aware that Internet is always spelt with a capital “I.”
Also, avoid contractions in your work. Write the word in full. This also applies to numerals. No numbers, write the amount in full.

Kitos. 8.5/10

I didn’t know that Internet is spelt with capital “I”. Thank you for your help!

Yes, Internet is classed as a Proper Noun, because there is only one.

Since the advent of telecommunications, media has a more prominently invaded our lives, an oblivious fact that most people are accustomed to. It thus webbed a strong network, often divisive how to cope with the advantages and disadvantages.

Media is a powerful tool for distribution of information through variable forms like the telegraph, newspaper, television and the Internet in current time. It predominantly has the ability the ability to create awareness whether it being a new product in the market or changes happening elsewhere by decreasing the latitudes separating two locations. The BBC, a world reputed Tv channel has so far outperformed in mass campaigns directly addressing issues like poverty, malnutrition and natural disasters where nations are in dire help.

In contrast media can be a product of propaganda, often biased and controversial that is often misused when in the hand of wrong – elite of the society use it as a tool to manipulate the reality for their own benefits during electoral campaigns or when targeting problems that tremors the country’s political stand as well as preventing issues from being included in the political agenda. Such scenarios are seen under communist rulings or that of a dictator where the press is distorted. Secondly freedom of press usually breaches the privacy of lives in order to sensationalise news. The Leveson’s inquiry is a clear illustrations to what extent the press had infiltrated and perverted our lives by even using illegal methods to extract information.

Clearly a society rich with media is one that’s well informed, however, the press can be a weapon that can create unprecedented unrest in our lives. Consequently it is of utmost importance to maintain the equivocal balance between the two. Up to now, the nation is divisive over the fact whether to have a free press with no regulatory body.