10 Sayings about Death
These are English sayings and proverbs about death and dying.
As soon as man is born he begins to die
The process of dying starts at birth. This saying reminds us of our own mortality, whatever our age.
Dead men tell no tales
People who are no longer living cannot give evidence.
Death is a remedy for all ills
When we die, all our problems are solved.
Death keeps no calendar
In this saying, “Death” is personified as a spiritual being who may call upon us at any time - he has no appointment book. We never know when we will die.
Death pays all debts
Dying cancels everything, including anything that we owe to other people.
Graves are of all sizes
People die at all ages; no one is too young to die.
Let the dead bury the dead
This is generally taken to imply that we should spend our time and energy on living people, not on dead people. (But see Origin below.)
Look upon death as a going home
We may consider dying to be a kind of returning to house and family.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes
This saying may be seen in three ways: 1) We cannot be 100% sure about anything (except dying and having to pay the taxman - in this case the latter idea being added for humour). 2) We cannot escape taxation (in this case the idea of death serving only to highlight the certainty of taxes). 3) We can be absolutely sure that we will die (in this case the idea of taxes being added for humour). The first interpretation seems to have been the original intent (see Origin below).
Nothing so certain as death
We can be 100% sure that we will die.