Difference between -It is finished- It has been finished.

First, my thanks to All the people here, for their help.
Specifically “Yankee”.

My apologies, if I again asking same sort of question. I sometimes get confused.

This job/work is finished.
This job/work has been finished.

As per my understanding:
This job/work is finished = Tells the STATE of the job.
This job/work has been finished = Tells somebody (some person) has finished the job.
Is my understading correct?

What is the difference between - Affect and Effect?

Over time = Gradully (is this correct?)
Over time, he will learn it = Gradually (on a day by day basis, he will learn English)

“Am I not supposed to modify this file?” - Is this correct sentence.


Hi Suresh

Yes, I’d say you’ve got the correct sense for the difference there, Suresh.

For the difference between “affect” and “effect”, take a look at these threads:
english-test.net/forum/ftopi … html#36429
english-test.net/forum/ftopi … html#93806

Yes, gradually is a pretty good interpretation. “Over time” suggests a period of time that is longer than just a few days or weeks.

Yes, that sentence can be used when you originally believed that you were supposed to modify the file and now there is some kind of doubt about that. You are basically asking for clarification of what you are supposed to do.

Thanks Yankee for “your spending time” here for giving answers for FREE.


You’re very welcome, Suresh.