Difference between 'bylaw' and 'byelaw'?

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-80 “GMAT Verbal Quiz (3)”, question 10

It wasn’t really a serious crime but it was pointed out to him that by parking there he was in of a local byelaw.

(a) vindication
(b) virement
(c) visitation
(d) violation

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-80 “GMAT Verbal Quiz (3)”, answer 10

It wasn’t really a serious crime but it was pointed out to him that by parking there he was in violation of a local byelaw.

Correct answer: (d) violation

Your answer was: [color=green]correct

I found out that there is “byelaw” and also “bylaw”, are these two the same?

Both versions are correct - just a different spellings for the same thing.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A German Shepard[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks a ton once again.