Definitions (4)

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Before we can start our programme we should clarify some of the terminology.

The purpose of Cross-Cultural Studies is to examine, recognize, analyze and compare human behaviour in different societies and cultures. Through cross-cultural studies it is possible to identify and characterize the relationships and links between the various cultural influences within a society. Cross-cultural studies, sometimes called Intercultural Studies, are also used by many disciplines such as Anthropology and Psychology.

Cultural Diversity
Cultural Diversity is the variety of human cultures in a specific region, organization, company, community or society. Cultural diversity is defined by the variations in the way societies or companies organize themselves, in their shared values and in the ways they interact with other organizational entities. It is difficult to quantify cultural diversity but a good indicator is the number of languages spoken in a given geographical region, community or organization.


We understand Gobalization as an increase in connections among societies, companies and other organizations. We see the main reasons for this process in the fast development of communication technologies as well as the steady rise of productivity in many industries. The term ‘globalization’ is often used to describe various social, cultural, commercial and economic activities. Especially the internet enables people to interact on a global scale and establish ‘virtual communities’.

Another aspect is the concentration of economic power through multinational mergers such as DaimlerChrysler.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A soccer match[YSaerTTEW443543]

This is interesting information, I’m surprised nobody replied to it!