Is this correct that the English write the date in the following way?
day, month, year
and the American write:
month, day, year
I get mails from both countries and sometimes I don’t know how to handle it.
Is this correct that the English write the date in the following way?
day, month, year
and the American write:
month, day, year
I get mails from both countries and sometimes I don’t know how to handle it.
Hi Attila
American date format:
When Americans write the date, the format is month / day / year. For example, today is August 10, 2006. Written as only numbers it would be: 8/10/06
If there is a deviation from the standard American format, an American will usually mention the deviation specifically.
Maybe Alan will give you information about the British format.
I usually advise people to always write the month as a word (Aug. or August, for example) in order to avoid possible confusion.