hi larissa,
how are you. whats up today in leipzig.
Hi Sebastian,
what do you think about Leipzig?
I personally believe that this city is very important for the Eastern German region. Everyone, who lives here, is somehow between two worlds: West and East. It is very interesting, how these two mentalities affect each other. You come from the west, do you notice the difference?
Hi! I am sorry very much Larissa. It reminds me ( I am sure you wil understand me)
Каждый кулик свое болото хвалит.
Pressman! You must be more polite!
You can frighten new members. :oops: Larissa I read your newspaper and I saw a few pictures of your city. You are really right , you live in this beautiful city. And I like your newspaper. In my mind it gives useful information and helps russians to find new ways.
Hi Larissa! I wish I visited Leipzig. I must confess I don’t know German
Hi Larissa,
I lived in Halle an der Saale for 1 year, and I visited “Leipsch” several times. It is a very enjoyable city, especially compared to some I have seen in the USA since moving back home.
Hi Pavel,
Welcome aboard. So, you lived in Halle for one year, when was that? I take it you were born in Russia or the Ukraine? What is live like in Washington State today? What do you think are the differences between Germany and the US?[YSaerTTEW443543]
TOEIC listening, question-response: Do you live by yourself?[YSaerTTEW443543]
hi there people
hi cute fish
Are you in Leipzig?
What brought you to my new neck of the woods?
This city is my favourite I have lived in, so far.
I love Bath and York in the UK, but at present am settled (relatively) here.
no m not. i live in baku?have you ever heard about it?it is the capital of azerbaijan.have you?