Could you please evaluate my independent essay?

Prompt: A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught.

From ancient times until now teachers have had a double role in their students’ lives. Personally, I believe that it is more important for a teacher to bond with his own students rather than have exceptional knowledge of the subject he teaches. I feel this way for two reasons which I will explore in the following essay.

First of all, when a teacher manages to make a connection with his students it becomes easier for him to adjust his teaching methods to their learning needs. In other words, not all strategies work for every student and in every classroom, therefore it is essential that the teacher is able to identify the weaknesses of each student so that he can help each one of them individually. My personal experience is a compelling example of this. Around ten years ago, when I was still in the 7th grade, I had a teacher who I will remember forever. She used to try to get to know each one of us as well as to reassure us that we could ask even the silliest questions which crossed our minds as soon as they pertained to the topic under discussion. As a result, by expressing even the most simple queries without being judged by anyone in the classroom, we had the opportunity to really learn certain things without solely memorizing them and forgetting them after finishing the exam.

Secondly, a teacher should not only provide his students with academic knowledge but also try to teach them valuable skills which will benefit them in their adulthood. In order to succeed in doing this, a teacher ought to gain the affinity of his students, so that they are willing to engage in discussions and converse about various topics. For instance, in my final year of high school, I had a professor who would gather a couple of students during the break and discuss their concerns even the ones that were irrelevant to school subjects. He also used to relate stories from his own life and share his experiences with his students. His goal was to prepare his students for the reality they would face after graduating. In this way, not only did he enable them to develop social skills, as they learned how to participate in group discussions, but they were also aware of the fact that there was a person who they can address if they happen to seek advice and no one else is able to give an answer to their questions.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that it is imperative for a teacher to develop friendly relations with his pupils. This is because not only his students will retain more knowledge but they will also acquire certain skills that will prove to be advantageous in the long run.


(Again, a good essay, tinaskrd. Most of the changes suggested are only modifications, not corrections. You have a good command of the Englsih language. Congratulations!


Thank you so much! You cannot imagine how helpful your suggestions are!!