Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views
After finishing secondary education, the adolescent has a crucial decision to made on whether entering tertiary education or applying for a job. While some people suppose that university degree would secure their career prospects in the future, others believe that excellent option must be a job right after school.
On the one hand, there are several benefits from starting work right after high school. First, many young people have a strong desire to earn money as soon as possible, mainly because they want to become independent. By doing that not only are they financially dependent on family, but also are able to increase a higher degree of reliance with their family on what they decide. Second, those who opt for early employment tend to have a great chance to gain work experience and practical skills needed for their chosen profession, thus progress rapidly in their career compared to who continue higher studies.
On the other hand, some good reasons should be regarded owing to advantages of choosing to continue higher studies. Firstly, many professions, such as doctor or lawyer, require employees to have specialized knowledge which they can only gain from university study. Therefore, this expands more opportunities for university graduates to earn high salaries than those without having the relevant qualifications. Secondly, the fierce competition in the labor market is on the rise, with hundreds of job applications applied for one job vacancy in a company. Thus, many students are willing to devote for years to university education to lay a sound foundation for their career.
In conclusion, it is clear that both the continuation of higher studies and decision on getting a job are advantageous in their own ways .