Correction exercise: Aromatherapy uses many of essential oils from plants.

Please help me check if I have done the following exercise correctly:

Underline any errors and correct them. Put a tick if the sentence is error-free:

  1. Aromatherapy uses many of essential oils from plants. --> error-free
  2. Conventional methods have proved as ineffective and they are now experimenting with a radically different treatment. --> omit as
  3. I couldn’t whip up any enthusiasm for going out on such a cold night. --> error-free
  4. One vitamin pill a day is the equivalent for drinking two liters of orange juice. --> of
  5. Coffee is stimulus and should not be drunk late at night. --> a stimulant
  6. Their singing was excruciating and most people left the room. --> most of the people
  7. If you’re feeling nervous during an interview, try to improve your posture. --> improving
  8. Respiratory unorders such as asthma can be made worse by living near busy roads. --> disorders
  9. It’s well-known that smoking can be harmful to unborn babies. --> error-free
  10. Their exaggerated claims are based on a complete fallacy. --> error-free

Thank you very much in advance

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These answers are wrong:

Aromatherapy uses many of essential oils from plants. --> error-free

One vitamin pill a day is the equivalent for drinking tow liters of orange juice. --> of – Yes, but ‘two’ is misspelt.

Their singing was excruciating and most people left the room. --> most of the people– I understand the expected grammar, but actually many native speakers use ‘most people’ here.

If you’re feeling nervous during an interview, try to improve your posture. --> improving

It’s well-known that smoking can be harmful to unborn babies. --> error-free-- Probably, but predicate adjective phrases are preferably unhyphenated.

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Thank you for pointing out those mistakes for my. But, and please, correct them to boot, sentences 1 and 7.
By the way “tow” is my typo :D. It is exactly “two”

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No, I would like you to try again. It is your homework, not mine.

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Ok, and thanks very much.

  1. Aromatherapy uses many of essential oils from plants.
    –> omit “of”
  2. If you’re feeling nervous during an interview, try to improve your posture.
    Actually, I at first found no errors in this sentence but I think it would be better to be “try improving”.
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1-- Right!
7-- The original is correct, and so is ‘improving’, but ‘to improve’ (the potential act) is a better choice, I think.

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Oh, man… I thought we are going to discuss aromatherapy or something related to it… Well, it seems like people had helped you many-many years ago :smiley:

I just wanted to share my experience of ordering [Mango butter] as sun protection before going to Spain on these holidays.

So, here is the story:
My girlfriend does not like at all aromatherapy and other related stuff. And set up a bet with me: if new mango butter will not help me – I will be without sex for a month (we have a very strange relationship, I know). However, on the next day, in the city of Murcia, there was a temperature of 47 degrees at 12:00 am. At this time we were on the beach… And guess what? I did not burn, haha! I won the bet!

My Jenny is already preparing for some BDSM :smiley:

Anyway, I hope my little story will improve the mood of somebody. At least I hope so.

Cya :slight_smile: