Correct tense test

Hi …
I need to know the answer of this exercise , I did it , but I want to revise it again and know my correct answers…
It consist from two parts : the first about tense and the second about Reported speech…
Thanks .

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense .

1 (a)……… (come) from Switzerland. I (h)……….(Come) to London six months ago to learn English. I © ……… (not meet) many English people yet, only my teachers.
I (d )…… … (Start) learning English at school in Switzerland when I was eleven, so I (e)……. (Learn) it for nearly ten years. At first in London, 1 (t")……… (Not understand) anything, hut now my English (g) ……………… (Improve). I (h)……… just (i)………………. (take) an exam.
If I (J)……….(pass),I (k)…… …… (move)into the next class. I’m excited today because my parents (I)……………………(come) tomorrow to stay with me for a few days and I (m)
……………… (not see) them for a long time. They (n)………………(never be) to England and they (o)…………………(not speak) English .

Reported speech
Report what Mane-Therese said
a. She told me that she ……………………….many English people
b). She said that she…………………………… an exam.
C). She told me that her parents………………………… to stay with her
d). She said that she ………………………………. her parents for a long time
e) She told me that her parents………………………………English.

Hi Hercules,

To be honest there would be little point in putting the correct forms in for you. More to the point - you put up the answers and then, if necessary, they can be corrected.

Hope you see my reasoning.


Hi Alan

These is my answer …
My request is so bad !!!
I know that …
so …I’m so sorry


Put the verb in brackets in the collect tense .

1 (a)……come… (come) from Switzerland. I (h)……came….(Come) to London six months ago to learn English. I © …haven’t met…… (not meet) many English people yet, only my teachers.
I (d )have started… … (Start) learning English at school in Switzerland when I was eleven, so I (e) had learned……. (Learn) it for nearly ten years. At first in London, 1 (t") couldn’t understand ……… (Not understand) anything, hut now my English (g)
is improving ……… (Improve). I (h) have……… just (i)
…………taken……. (take) an exam.
If I (J)…pass…….(pass),I (k)…will move… …… (move)into the next class. I’m excited today because my parents (I)…are coming ………(come) tomorrow to stay with me for a few days and I (m)
………won’t see……… (not see) them for a long time. They (n)…have never been …………(never be) to England and they (o)……haven’t spoken …………(not speak) English .
Reported speech
Report what Mane-Therese said
a. She told me that she …hadn’t met……many English people
b). She said that she… had taken…… an exam.
C). She told me that her parents………were coming…………… to stay with her
d). She said that she ………wouldn’t see…………. her parents for a long time
e) She told me that her parents……hadn’t spoken ………English.

Hi, Hercules

May I help you correct your task?

I think it’s better to place:

(e) have learnt

(m) haven’t seen

(o) don’t speak

Thus, D. and E. in Reported Speech part should be changed.


Hi tortoise :smiley:
thanks . But look at

" because my parents (I)…are coming ………(come) tomorrow to stay with me for a few days and I (m)
………won’t see……… (not see) them for a long time "

and this tense in the Future ( are coming ) and after that we have ( and ) !!! :shock:
I think it better to put future …I am not sure !!! :roll:

and the same rule applied on ( o) …
correct me :roll:

Hi Herc

My corrections are in boldface type.

In reported speech sentence (e), I’m pretty sure you would also hear native speakers say “don’t speak”. But, for an English test, “didn’t speak” is better.


Thanks a lot to you Amy … :smiley:

I’ll never forget your help :slight_smile:


You’re welcome, Herc.

But we’re not finished yet!

I’d like you to tell me why I changed (d) (e) (f) (m) and (o). :wink:


That will be a great offer from you …and Of course i’ll never refuse …

Hi Herc

I think you misunderstood my last post.
I want you to try to explain the corrections. :smiley:


Hi Amy

The first one : The action has happed in the past and it finished …so it’s past simple

The second : present perfect continuous , so the action started in the past and it doesn’t finish until now …

The third : the same situation in my first explaining …

The fourth :I don’t know !!!

the fifth : it’s a fact so they don’t speak English … but you should notice that : maybe they can learn it in future so i wrote it in present perfect …

Amy … your turn …could you give your explanation ?

correct me !!!


Thanks a lot …Amy

my exam will be tomorrow and I’ll present my good results to you as a present… :roll:

Opss…and of course to my dear [color=red]Conchita

I’m sure It will be great … :slight_smile:

see you

Thanks a lot …Amy

my exam will be tomorrow and I’ll present my good results to you as a present… :roll:

Opss…and of course to my dear [color=red]Conchita

I’m sure It will be great … :slight_smile:

see you

Hi Herc

Good! :smiley:

The fourth one is present perfect because it means up to today it has been a long time since you have seen your parents. That’s why you’re so excited about their visit tomorrow.

The fifth one talks about a fact: They don’t speak English. Your idea about present perfect isn’t bad, but the requirement for that verb tense would be that they know English and simply have never spoken it yet.

Good luck tomorrow!
