convince vs persuade

Hello everyone! :slight_smile: Here is my dilemma:

“It took a great deal of convincing (or persuading?) on his part to get her agree to publish excerpts from her account of her daily life”.

Thanks for help!

What help do you want?

Which to use, convince or persuade?

Both of them are possible.
In this case they are synonyms and mean more or less the same thing.

Still, which one would you use in this case?

Both are appropriate.

Hi MariaRu,

Convince someone is what you hope to do after you persuade someone. ‘Convince’ suggests that you make someone believe what you are saying. ‘Persuade’ suggests that you try by gradual means to encourage them to believe.


***** NOT A TEACHER *****


  1. I would use “convincing” in your sentence.

  2. “To convince,” I feel, means that you get someone to think your way; “to persuade” means to get someone TO DO something.

  3. I convinced Tony that Mr. X was the best candidate in the election. He told me: Yes, I see what you are saying. Mr. X is indeed the best candidate.

A few days after the election, I saw Tony and asked whether he had voted for Mr. X. “I certainly did,” he replied. I felt so happy that I had persuaded Tony to vote for Mr. X.

  1. So in your sentence, I think that the publisher might say to the lady:

I am going to do my best to convince you that it would be a good idea to let me publish portions of your diary. Now here are the reasons: …


That’s a direct translation of the Russian phrase Спасибо за помощь. In English the sentence should read either ‘Thanks for the help’ or ‘Thanks for your help’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A burglar[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks very, very much for your help :slight_smile: