Content plan January -- April 2023

Absolutely. For the past couple of years I drive a truck from one place to another. Last weekend I first went to Hamburg by train where I fetched the truck and drove it Harderwijk in The Netherlands from where I went back to Leipzig by train. How did you spend your weekend on your little island that doesn’t want to be part of the EU any longer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:?


That sounds fun @Torsten! Getting to travel around a little is always a great way to spend time!

This silly little island doesn’t know what it’s missing - or going to be missing :upside_down_face: I could say everything I feel about the disaster that is Brexit, but I’m afraid it wouldn’t be very polite so I won’t :sweat_smile:

As for the weekend, a pub was involved, a walk along the beach, and fixing furniture broken by :cat2: :cat2: - a little less adventurous than yours but still (mostly) pleasant!


Looks like a very productive and fun weekend to me. Did it involve some educating :cat2: to reduce repair activity in the future?

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Oh no, @Torsten, I know my place as a cat servant; I am just here to do their bidding!


Show us your cat please :smiley::upside_down_face:


Exactly. And if I read Kelly’s post right, she has two cats, not one :wink:


@Natalia_Polteva, @Torsten, I present to you… Spud and Doughnut. Actually my mum’s cats (so, yes; absolutely spoilt brats)! Spud likes to ‘help’ me write when I visit by holding my hand (also known as biting my fingers) when I try to type…
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Spud and Doughnut are very sweet :blush::blush:

By the way, your latest exercise will go online soon👩‍💻


Sweet but also at least slightly demonic :joy:

Thanks @Natalia_Polteva!


Hello @tim_m!

Your 10 new tests are online:

Thank you :smiley: :+1:

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The test is online: The Coronavirus and remote working |

Thank you @KellyW :grinning:


Thank you, @Natalia_Polteva! :smile:


@KellyW, I love your cats :heart_eyes: They remind me of my Tuxedo cat, Cindy. She likes our fireplace a bit too much haha


Hi Tim, is this a real photo of your cat Cindy? If so, she very much looks like me expect that I never lie to a fireplace since I don’t have one. Anyway, Cindy just rocks :heart: :laughing: :+1:


Thanks @Natalia_Polteva!


@tim_m!!! She is a princess!!! :heart_eyes:


Hello @Tamar, yes of course you can write articles covering information you have learned from the Netflix series ‘Babies’. As a matter of fact, I look forward to those texts since they will make for a good mix and diversity. I’m also looking forward to reading the story behind Wordhoney and yes, you can adjust the word count in a way that is comfortable for you and gives you enough freedom to use all your creative potential. :+1:


@Torsten, yes this is really her haha. She lies like this every morning when I have my coffee. @KellyW indeed she is. She’s a lovebug.


Hi everyone! Good morning, happy start of the week (at least it is to me - it was Independence Day in Bosnia yesterday!) and I’m ready to throw myself into work with slightly more regularity. There’s a joke in Bosnian about being “divine”: “Everyone believes I exist, but nobody has seen me before.” I want to change that now :smiley:

Anyway, I just want to ask a few things as I’m collecting topics for tests. My first tests used to be about a relatively well-known topic (and would serve as tests on that topic, not reading comprehension exercises) so they had no accompanying text, and had 10 questions each. But now I notice most of you create a small text and a reading comprehension exercise consisting of 3-5 questions along with it. Should I go with this template as well? Is 10 questions excessive in this case? :smiley:

Also, I’ll post my topics here and aim for at least one test daily for the month of March, increasing as time goes on and other, previous obligations start fading. Good luck everyone and expect to see more of me going forward :slight_smile:


Hi Sumejja, many thanks for joining forces with us again :wink: As for your question, we should be aiming at creating creating materials that service the following purposes:

  • Are useful and valuable for our users (learners of English as a second language and companies, institutions and organizations reusing our materials to educate their staff, teachers of English as a second language)

  • Are fun and interesting for you to create

  • Can be monetized one way or another

So, yes if you can create TOEIC part 7 based reading comprehension texts similar to the ones @tim_m, @KellyW, @Tamar, @Sean-C, @Leonika and @Elida have been creating this will be great. Maybe you could also share some ideas with @tim_m since he has created “English For You” as an additional project?

Ideally, we all would start exchanging ideas with each other :wink: