Conspiration twice

Dear Alan and Torsten! I understand nothing!!!. In answer 10 test 10, int. l. , errors I didn’t find the correct answer. “Conspiration” are printed twice.

Test No. [color=blue]errors/inter-10 “Is she lying?”, question 10

You must get a conscription from a doctor for that drug because you cannot buy it at a chemist’s without one.

(a) must
(b) conscription
(c) drug
(d) one

Test No. [color=blue]errors/inter-10 “Is she lying?”, answer 10

You must get a prescription from a doctor for that drug because you cannot buy it at a chemist’s without one.

Correct entry: prescription
The error was: (b) conscription

Dear Ariadna,

I can see the word ‘conspiration’ only one time:

You must get a conspiration from a doctor for that drug because you cannot buy at a chemist’s without one.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Army training[YSaerTTEW443543]

Now I see word “prescription” instead of “conspiration” twice. It is more preferable. ( It was in answer10)

Hi Adriana,

I still can see the word prescription only one time, where is the second word?

You must get a prescription from a doctor for that drug because you cannot buy it at a chemist’s without one.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A man standing on a platform[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten! It was a very strange thing. I saw word ’ Conspiration" twice in answer 10. Word “conspiration” was printed instead of the correct word “prescription” and in version of wrong sentence. After your answer I sow" prescription " and " conspiration". It is a very strange thing. But I am sure I was not sleeping and dreaming. It is something incredible. What do you think?
From time to time science cannot explain everything. I presume you agree with me.