[size=150]My heartiest congratulations on acquiring the moderator status on the forum. How does it feel?[/size]
But I was very surprised to see MM’s name as a moderator on What do you want to talk about, and I think everyone would know why–he hardly appears here let alone moderate it.
Is it a mistake, Torsten, that Alan’s name was removed from here and MM’s put there? We all know that Alan’s got a heavy schedule because of newsletter and tests and all.
Haven’t you seen the new-fangled “greenbacks” yet?
Abe Lincoln has turned pinkish. Alexander Hamilton looks sort of orangish. And Andrew Jackson looks a little jaundiced. God only knows what will be next! :shock: :lol:
Well, I’m going by my posts that Torsten has deleted over the past weeks. Strange that neither yours nor MrP’s or Amy’s and Jamie’s offensive posts have been deleted during that time though. Now I expect even more “selective” moderating.
IMO, someone who loses his head a lot and attacks other posters should not be a moderator. But, it ain’t my forum, so…
I hope that you did not take my comments as criticism. I was only making sure that disappearance of Alan’s name from that forum and appearance of yours was not a mistake. At any rate, [color=blue]my apologies!
PS: I was very [color=blue]surprised and glad to see your posts here: