Confused: "start at Pimsleur track no. 2"

I’ve done italian, french, japanese lvl 1.

But i’ve always been confused about the “when you start tomorrow, start at track no. 2”.

Does it mean : redo lesson 2 and then back to the next lesson? or start at lesson 2 and do 3,4,5 and so on ?

Whats the point in repeating lesson 2 again and again?

Hi azriaziz,

Welcome to our forum. You’ve asked a good question. The entire Pimsleur system is based on constant repetition and the idea is to redo any lesson until you have the material down. That’s why you have to repeat every previous lesson before you move on to the next one.

However, at some point you should decide yourself how often you want and need to repeat a lesson.

Let me know if this makes sense.

TOEIC listening, talks: The co-pilot gives flight information to passengers[YSaerTTEW443543]

i think i realize something. Most people have this on audio cds. I have this in mp3 format.

By the way Torsten, how many tracks are in a CD ?

Azriaziz, hi again. I don’t know how many tracks there are on each CD – there might also be more tracks than lessons. However, I think the important question is how you are getting along with your learning. How many phrases can you say and understand so far?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: A new company executive introduces himself to the staff[YSaerTTEW443543]

That is not correct. You only redo a lesson if you haven’t mastered more than 80% of its contents. You are expected to move to the NEXT lesson every day and complete a comprehensive course in roughly 30 days. The tag “start at Pimsleur track no. 2” is indeed a tag found on the odd numbered units (units 1, 3, 5, etc.) of the CD version and implies to move to the second track on the CD on the following day. If you ripped the CD version to an MP3 format that might explain why you have that tag in the audio. Some of the early Pimsleur digital downloads also had the confusing tag until the problem was caught by the company. These days the standard tag for every unit is “This is the end of Unit X and the end of today’s lesson. Please continue with the next unit tomorrow.”