It usually takes several generations for a society to implement major improvements for all their members. For example, it took the French and other European nations hundreds of years to finally get rid of serfdom. It took them a couple of generations more to also abolish the death penalty. It might takes us one more generation until we implement a universal basic income along with basic public services but we will reach that stage eventually. Here in Germany we technically already have a guaranteed minimum basic income but it’s still a bureaucratic monster driven by so much analogue paperwork that any person tries to avoid applying for it.
However, now with the coronavirus pandemic in full swing the German government already has taken the first steps to ease the level of red tape on the application process and I’m sure we will be seeing more of these iterations within the next couple of months. In the following article @Sumejja describes some of the common arguments against universal basic income and public services and it will be interesting to re-read the article again in a year’s time or so. Common criticisms of Universal Basic Income Services