Children should be given a modest weekly allowance for doing household chores

Children generally rarely have an opportunity to earn money except for their allowance. Therefore, it is difficult to recognize the difficulties of getting a salary in exchange for their labor. If they can experience this activity in their house as doing housework, they can understand the appreciation for their parents. From this perspective, I think children should get an allowance for doing housework. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explain in the following essay.

To begin with, remuneration always plays a pivotal role for children when it comes to doing something. In order to obtain their reward, they try hard to do something, and it would encourage children to grow more and more. For example, when I was an elementary school student, I did not like studying at all, though I could get a good score on every examination. Mainly because my parents set a goal each time, and if I got through its requirements, I could get a reward from my parents. Sometimes, I could not achieve it, but rather, this is a motivation to study hard for the next examination. From this experience, I strongly believe that setting a reward gives children motivation, and it would apply not only to studies but also to housework.
Secondly, getting a certain reward is a good preparation before getting into real society. Normally, children do not have the opportunity to get their salary, and they always get an allowance from their parents. Thus, they do not know how hard it is to make money and how many hours adults have to work to get $100. So it must be a good chance to learn the difficulties of making money. If they get an allowance, they can spend money on anything, and they will work again to feel satisfaction. This is worth teaching, and parents should provide this training because children cannot perfectly understand it from school textbooks.
In conclusion, their parents should give them an allowance for doing housework because it spurs their motivation to assist their parents more and they can also learn the difficulties of making money.


Children generally rarely have the opportunity to earn money, apart from their pocket money. Therefore, it is difficult to see the difficulties associated with receiving a wage for their work. If they can experience this activity in their home as housework, they can understand the appreciation for their parents. From this point of view, I believe that children should receive an allowance for their housework. I hold this opinion for two reasons, which I will explain in the following essay.

First of all, reward always plays a central role for children when it comes to doing something. In order to get their reward, they make an effort to do something, and this encourages children to grow more and more. For example, when I was in elementary school, I didn’t like studying at all, even though I got a good grade in every exam. This was mainly because my parents set a goal for me every time, and if I met the requirements, I could get a reward from my parents. Sometimes I could not meet the target, but that is an incentive to study hard for the next exam. From this experience, I strongly believe that a reward motivates children, and this is true not only for studying but also for housework.
Secondly, receiving a certain reward is a good preparation for entering the real society. Usually, children do not have the opportunity to get their own salary and always get pocket money from their parents. Therefore, they do not know how hard it is to earn money and how many hours adults have to work to get $100. So it must be a good opportunity to learn the difficulties of earning money. If they get an allowance, they can spend the money on anything, and they will go back to work to feel satisfied. It is worth teaching them this, and parents should teach them this, because children cannot understand this properly from school textbooks.
In summary, their parents should give them an allowance for housework because it will motivate them to help their parents more, and it will also teach them the difficulties of earning money.