Childhood is the happiest era of a person's life

Childhood is the happiest era of a person’s life. Do yoou agree?

As a human being, we will pass through three phases in life: childhood, teenager, and adult. Some people believe that childhood is the happiest era of a person’s life. However, others have different opinion. I personally agree with the statement for two reasons.

First, the childhood is a phase that children do not have any burden in their lives. In this time, they do not think about how to make money, how to get a good job with high salary, how to choose couple, how to communicate with others and so on. Furthermore, they just mind about playing. If they want to play a game, they will play the game by themselves or call their friends. Also, if they want to buy a new toy, they can directly ask to their parents or grand parents in order to get it. They enjoy their lives very much.

Second, this stage is the time for children to learn anything, so they will have many exceptions or different treatments. Adult people usually think that children have to be given opportunity to study and grow in a good and conducive environment. In addition, parents give their children chance to trial and error as free as possible. As a result, when their children make a mistake, they easily realize that their children are in the learning era. For example, when a child broke an expensive vast, his parents do not get angry because they know that their son does not know yet about good things. Then, they forgive him. It will be different, when a teenager does the same action. It might be a big problem for him because of his faulty.

All in all, I believe that a childhood is the most pleased era of one’s life. Because, in this stage, they do not have any burden, also will have many privileges from others.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a student and his counselor

Childhood is the happiest era of a person’s life. Do yoou agree?

As a human being, we will pass through three phases in life: childhood, teenager, and adult. Some people believe that childhood is the happiest era of a person’s life. However, others have different opinion. I personally agree with the statement for two reasons.

First, the childhood is a /phase that/TIME WHEN/ children do not have any burden in their lives. In this time, they do not think about how to make money, how to get a good job with A high salary, how to choose A PARTNER, how to communicate with others and so on. Furthermore, they just /mind/THINK/CARE/ about playing. If they want to play a game, they will play the game by themselves or call their friends. Also, if they want to buy a new toy, they can directly ask to their parents or grand parents in order to get it. They enjoy their lives very much.

Second, this /stage/PERIOD/ is the time for children to learn anything AND EVERYTHING, so they will have many EXPERIENCES or different treatments. Adult people usually think that children have to be given THE opportunity to study and grow in a good and conducive environment. In addition, parents give their children A chance to trialS and errorS as freeLY as possible. As a result, when their children make a mistake, they easily realize that their children are in the learning era. For example, when a child BREAKS an expensive VASE, his parents do not get angry because they know that their son does not know yet about /good/THE COST OF/ things. Then they forgive him. It will be different, when a teenager does the same action. It might be a big problem for him because of his ACTIONS.

All in all, I believe that a childhood is the most PLEASANT era of one’s life(,) because in this TIME , they do not have any burden, AND THEY will BE GIVEN many privileges from others.
Quite good GT, quite good.

Kitos. 8/10