Charming nature

You were lucky to grow up on the sea shore – I wish I had been your sister – I’m sure we would have shared a lot of happy moments there, near to your sea.

But do you like mountains? I like them when I see them, but I haven’t ever been a mountain’s girl. Look at this beautiful sight, which I caught in July when transiting Austria:

This is also charming nature, isn’t it?

See you,

Oh Hi …

very nice Alicja…

The promises must be a ring in the necks of noble peoples…

How wonderful that there are women think about romance while the most of them care about nothing but shopping…

They don’t care if there is a sea or not , there is a star , or moon or a tree or a flower, they don’t see the difference between a stone and a bird… you know that there are some people like that … hahah… but that is their business…

But no body is a hopeless situation…

But I’m hopeless situation …

But in opposite direction…

But who knows who is right and who is wrong

But if there is a chance to enjoy… why we delay it.

What do you see my dear Alicja?..

As long as we are talking about nature as a main subject… I can tell you how wonderful was my weekend this last week… The water sea was my bed… the beter thing to relax is laying on the back on the water, and let the wave move you like a lost boat.

Have a nice time…

Hi Monica it is my honour being your brother…

But you would like to be my sister because I live near the sea hahah…

if there is no sea… don’t worry I will fetch one to you…

I will sneak one to you and it would be sent by the storm of mutual emotions…

Put your head on my arm and I’m sure there are many challenges will be as soft as

your lips. as merry as your laughs… as calm as your steps on the sand… amongs the

rocks, and remember that there are dreams of date in every rock you pass and every star…

the stars in sky are beautiful but the more beautiful the stars which swim in your gray eyes…

You have questioned me If I love the mountains…

It is the only one who forces us to love him, and we accept the love with pleasure…

Look at this Monica it is also as good as that one you had sent from Austria

You’re right, that’s the one and only reason !

… I’m thinking …

… and also because you’re such a romantic guy … I give you a like to this " if there is no sea… don’t worry I will fetch one to you… I will sneak one to you and it would be sent by the storm of mutual emotions…"

… and because I see your beautiful and very blue eye with my extremely grey eye :-))

See you!

It’s even better than mine! That green and peace-inspiring plane foreground, in contrast to that rocky, snowy mountain in the back!
B e a u t i f u l !

To continue, I found another one in my gallery, a photo which is very dear to me – it’s a little piece of a fascinating scenery that my grey eye saw on the top of the castle of Rijeka last summer; here, mountain sacrificed its impressive integrity, allowing Man to build beautiful viaducts and tunnels:

See you,

Dear Jamilion!

We are part of the nature. So, when we are talking about nature, it is natural to talk as well, about our human matters.
Sometimes it is useful, to watch nature, and draw conclusions by the comparison.
The nature, is more humanitarian, and noble, than we, humankind.

When we are talking about feelings, I could give good tips, to
everyone. But never to myself.

I heard recently, when I was listening to the wise woman in the radio, that we should be open to great love.

Then we can survive the wonderful time. And it counts.
You will know, what country, I’m talking about.

There men get married only with the GOOD women. Not with their girl friends.
But who is an expert, to tell, which woman is really good?

What she keeps inside, and what she shows outside?

Oh, you really can do great mistake!

I’m voting for madness and the risk!

It is always time ,for the boredom.

Your, maybe stupid,


The forget-me-not.