Case vs. example

English Language Proficiency Tests, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #34 [color=blue]“Teaching your Wife to Drive”, question 8

In my none of this happened — all I did was shout and scream, which made me feel better.

(a) example
(b) case
(c) instance
(d) incident

English Language Proficiency Tests, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #34 [color=blue]“Teaching your Wife to Drive”, answer 8

In my case none of this happened — all I did was shout and scream, which made me feel better.

Correct answer: (b) case

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
In my example none of this happened — all I did was shout and scream, which made me feel better.

Please, explain why I cant use “example” here

Case can have the sense of example. Yet here, ‘in my case’ doesn’t mean ‘in the example I gave’, but ‘as for me’, ‘as far as I’m concerned’.