Capital punishment.

Good afternoon Kitos, if you have any spare time today, please check my essay. Otherwise, just enjoy yourself. Christmas is not a big event in my region, so I have to work as usual. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :slight_smile:

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. Do you agree or disagree?

It is a matter of fact that the number of crimes invariably goes up every day. In my opinion, the abolition of capital punishment is one of the main reasons for this alarming state in our society. I therefore advocate that we need capital punishment in order to beware law-breakers and prevent the increase of criminals.

  First of all, maintaining the death penalty does contribute to reverse the upward trend of crimes. Actually, we human beings, by nature, are all afraid of death. Many people consider their own lives all above things, so they will not dare to do anything that claim their lives. In other words, knowing there is a capital punishment ahead of them, some criminals will get cold feet and not commit such a heinous crime. 

  Secondly, sparing dangerous criminals means posing the threat of raising crime rate as well as the sense of insecurity among community. During the time awaiting for sentence, these villains tend to be in the league with their accomplices outsides to get way with  capital punishment. On the way to escape, they are very likely to repeat their threatening behaviour or commit more serious crimes just so as to be alive. What’s more, people, especially those who are involved in those crimes like police or detectives, may be in jeopardy due to the fact that many felons are dying to take revenge on them. 

  However, there are some people against the idea, saying that capital punishment should be got rid of as a sign of humanity. But as the saying goes,” No good deed goes unpunished”, so these criminals totally deserve this kind of punishment. They must pay back for what they have done. Letting them alive, though, by no means shows humanity, because the criminals can continue to do serious damage to other people.

    On the whole, without the death penalty, we would run the risk of putting the whole society into unsafe state. So I strongly believe that the capital punishment is imperative to every country.

I am just lying. I am not that cruel. :(. This topic recalls the scene of Gadfly-Arthur being killed ( by Ethel Lilian Voynich)…I couldn’t stop myself from crying…I love him. I can’t help the feeling of his death. :frowning: Oh, I am in tears now too :(((( I love him so much.

TOEFL listening lectures: A university lecture on the history of the English language

Good afternoon Kitos, if you have any spare time today, please check my essay. Otherwise, just enjoy yourself. Christmas is not a big event in my region, so I have to work as usual. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :slight_smile:

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. Do you agree or disagree?

It is a matter of fact that the number of crimes invariably goes up every day. In my opinion, the abolition of capital punishment is one of the main reasons for this alarming state in our society. I therefore advocate that we need capital punishment in order to deter the law-breakers and prevent the increase of criminals and their activities.

  First of all, maintaining the death penalty does contribute to reverse the upward trend of crimes. Actually, we human beings, by nature, are all afraid of death. Many people consider their own lives above all other things, so they will not dare to do anything that may claim their lives. In other words, knowing there is a capital punishment ahead of them, some criminals will get cold feet and not commit such a heinous crime. 

  Secondly, sparing dangerous criminals means posing the threat of raising crime rate as well as the sense of insecurity among the community. During the time awaiting their sentence, these villains tend to be in league with their accomplices outside to get way with  capital punishment. On the way to escaping, they are very likely to repeat their threatening behaviour or commit more serious crimes so as to stay alive. What’s more, people, especially those who are involved in those crimes like police or detectives, may be in jeopardy due to the fact that many felons are dying to take revenge on them. 

  However, there are some people against the idea, saying that capital punishment should be got rid of as a sign of humanity. But as the saying goes,” No good deed goes unpunished”, so these criminals totally deserve this kind of punishment. They must pay back for what they have done. Letting them live, though, by no means shows humanity, because the criminals can continue to do serious damage to other people.

    On the whole, without the death penalty, we would run the risk of putting the whole of society into an unsafe state. So I strongly believe that the capital punishment is imperative to every country.

Well done Richard. A sobering thought to go into the New Year with.

Kitos. 9/10

What about life without possibility of parole?
This is a good alternative to the death penalty which is by far a barbaric mode of punishment. Criminals sentenced to life without parole can never get out of prison and they are held in solitary confinement as a rule so they can’t hurt anybody.

Thank you Kitos,

It is a matter of fact that the number of crimes invariably goes up every day. In my opinion, the abolition of capital punishment is one of the main reasons for this alarming state in our society. I therefore advocate that we need capital punishment in order to [beware] DETER law-breakers and prevent the increase of criminals AND THEIR ACTIVITIES.

  First of all, maintaining the death penalty does contribute to reverse the upward trend of crimes. Actually, we human beings, by nature, are all afraid of death. Many people consider their own lives ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS [s][all above things][/s], so they will not dare to do anything that MAY claim their lives. In other words, knowing there is a capital punishment ahead of them, some criminals will get cold feet and not commit such a heinous crime. 

  Secondly, sparing dangerous criminals means posing the threat of raising crime rate as well as the sense of insecurity among THE community. During the time awaiting [s][for] [/s]THEIR sentence, these villains tend to be in the league with their accomplices outside[s][s][/s] to get Away with  capital punishment. On the way to escapING, they are very likely to repeat their threatening behaviour or commit more serious crimes [s][just] [/s]so as to [s][be][/s] STAY alive. What’s more, people, especially those who are involved in those crimes like police or detectives, may be in jeopardy due to the fact that many felons are dying to take revenge on them. 

  However, there are some people against the idea, saying that capital punishment should be got rid of as a sign of humanity. But as the saying goes,” No good deed goes unpunished”, so these criminals totally deserve this kind of punishment. They must pay back for what they have done. Letting them alive, though, by no means shows humanity, because the criminals can continue to do serious damage to other people.

    On the whole, without the death penalty, we would run the risk of putting the whole society into AN unsafe state. So I strongly believe that the capital punishment is imperative to every country.

Thank Our Tort System for sharing your opinion. As I said above, I am lying, I am not so cruel. The essay did not show my true feelings. I in fact totally agree with you. However, this is only an essay. The main purpose of my writing is to make the readers understand well what I want to say no matter my perspectives. Right? :smiley:
P.S: What is your opinion of "The Gadfly " by Ethel Lilian Voynich? (sorry I don’t know exactly the English title of the novel)

Merry Christmas friend :slight_smile:

And you’ve done a good job of it too - I understand your point perfectly well.

It’s just that capital punishment and its implications is my hubby horse if you will, I feel very strongly about abolition of capital punishment, because sometimes it’s hard to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a shade of a doubt, and more often than not some evidence in the case pops up and casts reasonable doubt on the defendant’s guilt, bug gets overlooked because of the following:
A. The bloodthirsty jury (especially if it’s made up of republicans) is keen to condemn the defendant to death because they want retribution - the crime has caused a public outcry and somebody must be punished, even if they are innocent. If the criminal can’t be found, some poor fall guy takes his place.
B. The unscrupulous prosecutors are eager to get a death sentence imposed because it’s good for their careers.
C. And the governor is anxious to uphold the death sentence because it makes him look good in the public eye. Especially if he’s from the republican party.
So everybody involved has selfish (read: all the wrong) reasons to clinch the death sentence no matter what, except for the poor defendant. And sometimes the innocent get convicted in the process, which puts a question to the whole point of capital punishment - to battle crime and deter criminals.

Just some rambling…

Sorry, never heard of the novel, maybe I’ll make time to read it some time later.

Merry Christmas to you too. )))

Yes, you are right regarding the role of government in maintaining the stability of the whole society. They are always willing to condemn somebody so as to alleviate the outcry of general public, with a view to winning the trust of people.
There are more worth considering. That is besides obvious motives, there are underlying reasons, or even emotional motives that force them to do so. Not long ago, in Vietnam, a youngster was condemned to death on account of killing his father. The reason being, that the father was a heavy drinker and his Mother all the times incurred his violent actions for nearly 15 years long. “Even a worm will turn”, the boy killed his father when the father insulted and hit his Mother…Eventually, sticking to the strict rule, court gave him a death sentence… :frowning: So sad… All thing considered, he should have received a commutation, although he came of age, he was so young and his behavior was completely understandable.

P.S :Always welcome feedback as well as other views from you all. Thank you. Your command of English seems perfect. I wonder if you are an American or a British :smiley:

Hehe, I wish I were either one of those things.
Alas, I’m just a humble French dude, who’s going out of his way to bolster up his command of English. Lol