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Describe a political or social event your country celebrates. Use details to support your response.

In Colombia, my country, there are many social events we celebrate. Every state or department celebrates special festivities each year. We have White and Black festivities in Pasto, San Pedro and San Juan in Tolima, The Flower festival in Medellin, and the festival of the end of the year in Cali. All those events are fun and entertaining, but the social event the whole country celebrates at the same time is Semana Santa or Holy Week, which is the week before Easter Sunday. All Catholic churches get specially decorated with a lot of flowers, candles and saints. Starting on Thursday, most people walk downtown visiting churches with their families and friends and pray in each church. While walking on the streets, can meet many old friends. During Semana Santa, homes are very quiet; are not allowed to listen to music, do many chores or eat any other meat besides fish. Some believe that, if they work those days, they are going to have bad luck for the rest of the year. Others believe that working during Semana Santa is a sin because they are supposed to dedicate those days to God by praying and meditating. On the other hand, there are some other people who claim that they are Catholic yet spend those days on vacation, going to the beach, drinking alcohol and dancing. I think is funny that they all belong to the same religion and do opposite things. Whereas some people are praying and not doing anything else, others are dancing and drinking.

it is a good essay