Can I say: I must say Give me piece of advice

Hello everyone! Could you tell me: Can I say Give me advice. Maybe, I must say Give me piece of advice.

How about: Give me some advice.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A girl by mailboxes[YSaerTTEW443543]

" Some advice" and “piece of advice” the same?
Pupil :shock:


If you say A piece of advice, it is more specific.



If you say A piece of advice, it is more specific.

What it is “more specific”?

specific = definite - emphatic - clear - precise - exact

Simply saying ‘Give me advice’ in English would not be rude, but it would certainly sound rather abrupt… "Would you give me some advice about…[your question/topic]’ sounds much better.

I would also have to say that to ask for a ‘piece of advice’ would be a very unusual and non-standard way of making the request.