Can I phrase the following sentences in such ways? Please advise

  1. Customer wanted only chicken and mushroom in her dish instead of the custom vegetables and because of that I need to add a larger quantity of chicken meats and mushroom in order to make the size equal to as it would with customs vegetable.
  2. What is the custom vegetable that comes with this dish?
  3. I need to add a lot more mushrooms and chicken meats to make the portion of the dish similar/equal to the portion as it would with customs vegetables.
  4. There is a little bit of traffic jam on the way here.

Are the above sentences correct? Please advise. Thank you so much.


The customer wanted only chicken and mushrooms in her dish instead of the custom vegetables and because of that I needed to add a larger quantity of chicken meat and mushrooms in order to make the size equal to the original customs vegetable version.

Fine by me.

I need to add a lot more mushrooms and chicken meat to make the portion of the dish similar/equal to the standard portion with vegetables.

We are stuck in a traffic jam.

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Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate the help and correction that you have offered. :slight_smile:

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